Hi guys

it now time for me to upgrade my kernal to a 2.4.21. But i have problems
i have downloaded the gcc 3.x but when i do a gcc -v i am still getting the
default gcc 2.95 etc..

i don't think iam linking this the right way can someone help me.
this is a snapshot of my errors..

#make dep

/bin/bash: sparc64-linux-gcc: command not found

make -C arch/sparc64/kernel check_asm

make[1]: Entering directory `/root/linux-2.4.21/arch/sparc64/kernel'

sparc64-linux-gcc -E -D__KERNEL__ -I/root/linux-2.4.21/include -P tmp.c -o

make[1]: sparc64-linux-gcc: Command not found

make[1]: *** /bin/bash: sparc64-linux-gcc: command not found

make -C arch/sparc64/kernel check_asm

make[1]: Entering directory `/root/linux-2.4.21/arch/sparc64/kernel'

sparc64-linux-gcc -E -D__KERNEL__ -I/root/linux-2.4.21/include -P tmp.c -o

make[1]: sparc64-linux-gcc: Command not found

make[1]: *** [check_asm] Error 127

make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/linux-2.4.21/arch/sparc64/kernel'

make: *** [check_asm] Error

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#make dep<br>
/bin/bash: sparc64-linux-gcc: command not found<br>
 make -C arch/sparc64/kernel check_asm<br>
 make[1]: Entering directory `/root/linux-2.4.21/arch/sparc64/kernel'<br>
 sparc64-linux-gcc -E -D__KERNEL__ -I/root/linux-2.4.21/include -P tmp.c
-o tmp.i<br>
 make[1]: sparc64-linux-gcc: Command not found<br>
 make[1]: *** /bin/bash: sparc64-linux-gcc: command not found<br>
 make -C arch/sparc64/kernel check_asm<br>
 make[1]: Entering directory `/root/linux-2.4.21/arch/sparc64/kernel'<br>
 sparc64-linux-gcc -E -D__KERNEL__ -I/root/linux-2.4.21/include -P tmp.c
-o tmp.i<br>
 make[1]: sparc64-linux-gcc: Command not found<br>
 make[1]: *** [check_asm] Error 127<br>
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/linux-2.4.21/arch/sparc64/kernel'<br>
 make: *** [check_asm] Error 2<br>

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