I bought  a Promise TX2 Ultra 100 Adapter and put it in a Sparc AXi board.
(but booting from a small SCSI internal disk because of the missing OBP
support for the IDE)
Connected are 2 Seagate ST3120026A (120 GB Ultra DMA 3). Installed is Linux
(Kernel 2.4.21). But I also tried 2.4.18 and 2.6.0-test3... the effects are
all the same

My question now is: how works the Controller in Linux respect the
Cylinder/Heads/Sectors ... What are the correct  values to put in the fdisk??? 
the logical values which work for DOS (in my case 16383/16/63) results in a
Harddisk with just 8GB capacity...

Whats wrong? The promise controller is supported and in booting the correct
capacity and label of the disk are shown.  With the tools hdparm -i the faked
DOS values are shown (16383/16/63). With hdparm -g there are shown other
values (which doesn't work neither). 

So I hope there is a hint of your part how to contact using Linux to the TX2
Controller... or it's just a problem with the fdisk (autodetect does not
work the infos I have are
and other pages from that site...

I also contacted Promise but as for now I have no hint apart of a Patch for
the kernel but which seems already be included in 2.4.21 and 2.6.0-test3.

Thanks in advance...

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