On Fri, 03 Oct 2003 15:03:27 -0500
Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What's the best way to clone a SCSI drive in a Sunblade 1000 running 
> Debian to another SB1000? I don't mind physically moving drives from one 
> box to another temporarily.
> What about a firewire connection? USB?
> What command?

If the disks are all of the same size, this is the easiest way.
Just stick the new drives into the system with already booting
from the master, make sure the new one gets a different scsi ID
from the master one already in the box, the boot into single
user mode on the box (just give "linux /bin/sh" on the SILO command

Figure out what the two scsi device names are, let's say "X" is
the master and "Y" is the new disk.  Something like the following
should work:

bash# dd if=X of=Y

sit and wait for that to crunch out.  When it's done you should be
able to yank out Y and stick it into the other sb1000 and boot up.

I haven't done this in a long time, so your mileage may vary.

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