Eric Wong wrote:

I used very conservative optimizations, but nevertheless, it looks good
in some cases.

apt-fu and my modified pentium-builder available here:

Can your tools work in a debian-sparc environment?
And how do your tools differ from the apt-build
tools (both standard distribution and debtoo flavor)?

BTW, a simple integer math loop test on sparc32
dual hypersparc 150 cpus:
  gcc no optimizations or arch spec'ed --- 4:48 (4 minutes, 48 seconds)
  -O --- 0:18  (0 minutes, 18 seconds)
  -O1 --- 0:18
  -O2 --- 0:18
  -O2 -mv8 --- 0:12
  -O2 -mv8 -mcpu=hypersparc --- 0:12
  -O2 -mv8 -mcpu=hypersparc -mtune=hypersparc --- 0:12
  -Os --- 0:24
  -mv8 --- 3:50 (experiment, just arch no optimizations)

It appears that source build tailored to -mv8 should
yield some speedup over -mv7 flavor distributed.
I'm still trying to get a ssh logon to my ss20 to drop
down to a few seconds.  Somewhat frustrating for every
cvs/email/ssh (all using ssl) to take about 10 seconds for
the ssl to setup.


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