Hello, folks-

I recently got my hands on a Creator3D, and, although I've got X up and
running (apparently) cheerfully, almost none of the OpenGL apps I've tried
are working.

I'm running a stock installation of Woody, with xserver-xfree86 configured
through debconf, and a 2.4.22 kernel with DRM enabled.  In a (possibly
misguided) attempt to preserve bandwidth and avoid false positives on
future list searches, here are my debconf choices for xserver-xfree86:

X Server Driver:        11 (sunffb)
Video card identifier:  SUNW,ffb
Bus Identifier:         <none>
Video memory:           <autodetect>
Use kernel framebuffer: no (though I've tried both)
Color depth:            6 (24-bit)
Modules:                <all but dri and xtt>

I get 400+ fps in glxgears, which leads me to believe that, at least
fundamentally, DRM and DRI are happy.  The GL xlock modes seem happy as
well (though 'molecule' is currently taking a somewhat suspicious 100%
of the time on one of the CPUs).

Everything else I've tried (e.g. tuxracer, openuniverse, and armagetron)
mangles colors, or textures, or something.  It's a little hard for me to
tell what exactly, since I don't have a frame of reference.

The closest thing I've seen to this in the list archives is the 'Ultra1
Creator quirks' thread from July and August of '01, but I don't have (or
just haven't noticed) any problems with glxgears.

Is there something that needs to be done with my kernel or X (or some
other) config, or am I just looking at the limits of the 15MiB of RAM
the card is purported to have[1]?


[1] http://www.obsolyte.com/sunFAQ/faq_framebuffer/framebuffer.html#23

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