> > > I am setting up an old Ultra 1 as a scanner machine, and I have had
> > > some problems making sane connect to the SCSI-scanner. I have tried
> > > two different kernels, 2.2.20 and 2.4.17, both compiled with
> > > make-kpkg. It works only with the older kernel.
> > I had a similar problem with an HP ScanJet 5 (yes - it does play music)
> > from talking to the folks on the SANE mailing lists it seems to be
> > something to do with the SCSI drivers on SPARC but I never got further
> > than that.  's very interesting that 2.2 works.  Sorry I can't be of
> > more help.
> OK, it's a little help anyway, since I was thinking of sending this to
> some SANE people (no pun intended :) ).
Last time I spoke to them the SANE dev. team were very keen to hear from
people using GNU/Linux on non-x86 hardware and other more obscure set

Could you give a shout if you find out exactly what the problem is / how
to fix it.

 - Martin

"Seasons change, things come to pass"

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