Mauricio declared on Saturday 29 November 2003 07:49 pm:
> At 13:30 -0500 11/29/03, Ben Collins wrote:
> >On Sat, Nov 29, 2003 at 01:11:32PM -0500, Mauricio wrote:
> >>
> >>  You mean this:
> >>
> >>  /dev/sda
> >>    /dev/sda1            1    102      49M  ext3        /boot
> >>    /dev/sda2          103    899     382M  ext3        /
> >>    /dev/sda4          900   6175    2534M  ext3        /usr
> >>    /dev/sda5         6176   8104     926M  ext3        /home
> >>    /dev/sda6         8105   8637     256M  ext3        /var
> >>    /dev/sda7         8638   9006     177M  swap
> >
> >You do have a "Whole Disk" partition on sda3, right?
>       Do I have to physically create one or it is assumed to be there?

You have to "physically create one".

> >If you are doing the /boot seperate, it really isn't supported
> >automatically unless you use the images I posted about. Otherwise,
> >you'll need to do this at a prompt before rebooting the install:
> >
> >cd /target
> >mv etc/silo.conf boot/
> >ln -s . boot/etc
> >ln -s . boot/boot
> >ln -s ../boot/silo.conf etc/silo.conf
> >cd /
> >silo -r /target -f
>       How about if I then repartition the HD as follows:
>     Device Flag    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
> /dev/sda1             0      8208   4038336   83  Linux native /
> /dev/sda2          8209      8741    261744   83  Linux swap   swap
> (256MB) /dev/sda4          8742      9006    129888   83  Linux
> native /var (128MB)
> I did so and ended up having the very same problem.  So, I dropped to
> the shell and did as you suggested above.  I did not go that far:

On old (non-ultrasparc) machines, you cannot have a bigger than 1GB 
partition that contains your kernel and silo.conf... which would be the 
4GB / partition in your example below.  I'd recommend you do something 

/dev/sda1        500MB          /
/dev/sda2        256MB          swap
/dev/sda3       (whole disk partition)
/dev/sda4       1500MB          /usr
/dev/sda5        250MB          /var
/dev/sda6       (what's left)   /home

you can do that with the normal installer OR should be able to use your 
original partitioning scheme (using a separate /boot) with Ben's 
instructions above.

The messages below are trying to tell you that SILO can't boot off of 
the partition because it extends past the first 1GB of the disk.

> SPARCstation IPX, No Keyboard
> ROM Rev. 2.9, 48 MB memory installed, Serial #12648430.
> Ethernet address 8:0:20:c0:ff:ee, Host ID: 57c0ffee.
> Rebooting with command:
> SCSI device 2,0 is not responding
> Boot device: /sbus/[EMAIL PROTECTED],800000/[EMAIL PROTECTED],0   File and 
> args:
> SILO Buggy old PROMs don't allow reading past 1GB from start of the
> disk. 

Purdue University ITAP/RCS
Information Technology at Purdue
Research Computing and Storage

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