Hi folks,

Quick summary: Netra T1 ethernet ports don't work - should they (yet)?

I have got a set of five Netra T1s. These use the UltraSPARC
II chip, which I understand is sun4u architecture. Each one has
neither floppy nor CD-ROM drive, but does have two onboard ethernet
ports and also a HME quad ethernet card. I'm using the TFTP image from
as described in the Debian Installation Guide at

The TFTP boot process works, and I can start the woody installation
process quite happily.

My problem is that although the installation process detects all six
ethernet ports, none of them can receive data. (For example, I can see
DHCP requests go out, and the reply come back from the DHCP Server,
but the kernel never sees the packets arrive: ifconfig shows zero
packets received.) I've also tried configuring the ports manually using
ifconfig - in fact that's my preferred approach - but this didn't help,

I've noticed that the docs are relatively old, and tend to refer to 2.2.x
kernels, whereas the TFTP boot image uses 2.4.18. There are warnings about
"older" kernels not supporting the onboard ethernet ports, so I've also
tried several of the 4-port ethernet ports.

Here are the pertinent boot messages (copied by hand from a real terminal
connected to the Netra's serial console):

| sunhme.c v1.99 12/Sep/99
| eth0-3: Quattro HME (PCI/CheerIO) 10/100baseT Ethernet DEC21153 PCI Bridge
| eth0 Quattro HME slot 0 (PCI/CheerIO) 10/100baseT Ethernet 08:00:20:b2:79:21
| eth1 Quattro HME slot 0 (PCI/CheerIO) 10/100baseT Ethernet ...
| eth2 HAPPY MEAL (PCI/CheerIO) 10/100BaseT Ethernet ...
| eth3 HAPPY MEAL (PCI/CheerIO) 10/100BaseT Ethernet ...
| eth3 HAPPY MEAL (PCI/CheerIO) 10/100BaseT Ethernet ...
| eth5 HAPPY MEAL (PCI/CheerIO) 10/100BaseT Ethernet 08:00:20:ad:de:10

Should Netra T1s be able to communicate over the network? I don't mind
whether I use the onboard ethernet ports or the HME 4-port card. I'd
just like it to talk to me  :-)


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