I have to get some 2.4.23 kernel images out, but this set has a 2.4.21
kernel with the do_brk patch (and other security patches that may be
related to 2.4.21).

Also, this includes a new sparc-mini.iso with the fixed SILO so that
things boot again for sparc64.

Since I don't have login to auric right now, I put these on my own site.

Images: http://www.phunnypharm.org/pub/for/sparc-folks/disks-sparc/current/

ISO: http://www.phunnypharm.org/pub/for/sparc-folks/sparc-mini.iso

Debian     - http://www.debian.org/
Linux 1394 - http://www.linux1394.org/
Subversion - http://subversion.tigris.org/
WatchGuard - http://www.watchguard.com/

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