On Fri, 08 Oct 2004 14:48:21 +0200, Hendrik Sattler wrote:
>> It may be that sparc32 just doesn't have the support compiled into the
>> kernel.

Everything's ready, I just have about zero time to test anything. LVM
modules are available for 2.4 and by the magic of initial ramdisks it
should be able to work.

If someone is willing to test it, fix it, make it happen, etc., that would
be great. Same goes for MD installs, actually. I'm a full-time student and
I only have so much Debian time to devote to the sparc port. Other things
within the project interest me and I think it would be nice if people like
Ben were more active with kernel/d-i maintenance for sparc.. Blars Blarson
said he could kind of help out on the d-i side, but I'm not sure what's
going on with that.

Of course, anyone is welcome to help. I'm all ears. Waiting 8 hours for a
full kernel image build (sparc32, sparc32-smp, sparc64, sparc64-smp) is
no longer my cup of tea.

Joshua Kwan

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