On Fri, Oct 22, 2004 at 04:12:42AM -0400, J. Michael McGarrah wrote:
> I'm unable to get to the text mode terminals once I start X11 on my 
> system.  I'm running the most current unstable debian for sparc on an 
> Ultra 60.
> Alt-F1 / Ctrl-Alt-F1 do not break out of X to a text console mode.  If I 
> don't start X then I can use the virtual consoles.
> I'm not doing anything terrible unusual on my system and have seen the 
> same on another sparc system setup as well.  Is this just something that 
> doesn't work on debian sparc machines?  I remember this working on Red Hat 
> 6.2 systems.
> Appreciate any help.

The Debian X Strike Force expects this problem to be solved in the next
XFree86 package release.

  Changes by Denis Barbier:

  * Make Sun keyboards load srvr_ctrl(xfree86) symbol definitions to have
    access to standard Ctrl+Alt key sequences.  (Closes: #236086)

Also see:


G. Branden Robinson                |        Fair use is irrelevant and
Debian GNU/Linux                   |        improper.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |        -- Asst. U.S. Attorney Scott
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