
On Mon, Jan 05, 2004 at 03:03:52AM +0100, Emmanuel Kasper wrote:
> I think you should check to have 'scsi' and 'scsi disk support' compiled in 
> the kernel and not as modules for the ide-scsi emulation to work. I was 
> thinking also to replace on my Ultra 10 the CD by a CD RW. 
> Is the drive already recognized on boot by the Kernel ? 
> Emmanuel 
Only the boot-device driver need be compiled in - the rest ALL
can be loaded - especially if an initrd image is used.
The CD drivers can be compiled as modules with the foll. in

# for IDE CD-Writer AND a IDE CD-R
pre-install sg          modprobe ide-scsi
pre-install sr_mod      modprobe ide-scsi
pre-install ide-scsi    modprobe ide-cd

and in /etc/modutils/aliases
# CD-Writer aliases - will ignore hdd as candidate for ide-cd
options ide-cd  ignore=hdd          # CD-Writer on IDE-2 Slave

and if you have devfs, 

in /etc/modutils/1devfsd
# All CD-ROMs
probeall  /dev/cdroms       sg sr_mod ide-probe-mod ide-cd cdrom
alias     /dev/cdroms/*     /dev/cdroms
alias     /dev/cdrom        /dev/cdroms

You have to 'update-modules' after making changes in /etc/modutils

With Debian, you can keep seperate files for say - sound, disks, video.
All files in modutils directory will be merged into
/etc/modules.conf by 'update-modules'. See 'man run-parts' for filename

I use this sort of set-up on Ultra5 and i386 with bare-minimum
compiled-in drivers.

Hope this is useful.

- arvind.

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