On Mon, Mar 15, 2004 at 03:23:01PM -0000, Gary Parker wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Rob Walsh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: 13 March 2004 23:08
> > To: Mark T. Valites
> > Cc: debian-sparc@lists.debian.org
> > Subject: Re: PCI USB Cards
> > 
> > Back when I was using a U10 as my workstation, I had put a cheap dLink
> > (I think) card in it -- the kernel seemed to find it OK, but I never
> > got around to connecting any devices.  
> Just out of curiosity, what other PCI kit have people succesfully run in the
> 5s and 10s?
> I'm currently running an Ultra1, which obviously limits my upgrade
> possibilities, but I may be acquiring a 5 pretty soon.

Just about any off-the-shelf PCI USB card will work, so long as it is a
OHCI or UHCI based chip(which is like 99% of them out there).

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