On Wed, Apr 21, 2004 at 03:47:42PM +0100, Steve King wrote:
> I have been playing with unstable (xserver-xfree8 4.3.0-7)
> on my Ultra 10 with an elite video card. (which uses sunffb)
> and I added in the dri module using
> dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
> no problem:
> [...]
> Section "Module"
>         [...]
>         Load    "ddc"
>         Load    "dri"
>         Load    "extmod"
>         [...]
> EndSection
> [...]
> There are some issues that may be worth mentioning:
> local OpenGL clients segfault (though remote ones are
> fine, so that suggests a mesalib problem)

Yeah, if the X server doesn't fail immediately on startup, the problem
Ben Collins reported is gone.

> Ctrl-Alt F1,F2 and backspace don't seem to work.

Please ask debian-user or debian-x about this problem.

> (I am only pointing out these as I have no idea what the dri library
> does !)

DRI is the Direct Rendering Infrastructure, which is how
hardware-accelereated 3D is implemented in Linux.

On Wed, Apr 21, 2004 at 05:50:08PM +0200, Christian Guggenberger wrote:
> I load it explicitly on my ultra10 with creator3d/ffb2 vertical.
> Although DRI does not work due to a missing symbol, I don't see any
> downsides from loading it per default.
> Should file a bug report about the dri issue, but I'm very busy with
> University stuff these days. Maybe some other people could do this.

There's some work David S. Miller did to get DRI support working on ffb,
but unfortunately the patch was incomplete; I'm still waiting on a fixed
patch from Ben Collins.

Thanks, guys!  I'm undoing the kludge for a future XFree86 release.

G. Branden Robinson                |     Notions like Marxism and
Debian GNU/Linux                   |     Freudianism belong to the history
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |     of organized religion.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |     -- Noam Chomsky

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