Sorry Jeff, meant to reply-all so the list would also see...

I tried removing all references to "-m limit --limit ..." in the script but I 
still get the same errors...

If it helps, I had the same problems with anothe script I got off the net as 
well. so I'm assuming its something to do with my iptables setup.

----- Original Message -----
From: Jeff Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, April 30, 2004 12:20 pm
Subject: Re: Arnos firewall script

> I haven't looked at that script in particular, but having just 
> setup an 
> iptables firewall on my own U5 recerntly, I'd wager the script has 
> "-m 
> limit" lines within.
> Unfortunately, it looks like the limit module is broken for the 
> ultrasparcs, so you'll need to remove/modify those line to remove 
> the 
> reference to the limit module.
> - Jeff
> Joubin Moshrefzadeh wrote:
> > Anyone tried using this script?
> > 
> > I'm trying to use it on an Ultra5 running Woody but keep getting 
> errors like:
> > 
> > iptables v1.2.6a: can't initialize iptables table 'nat': Table 
> does not exist (do you need to insmod?) Perhaps iptables or your 
> kernel needs to be upgraded.
> > .
> > .
> > iptables: Invalid argument
> > .
> > .
> > iptables: No chain/target/match by that name
> > 
> > my searches on google suggested "insmod iptables.o", which 
> didn't work, since i guess the modules in 
> /lib/modules/2.4.18/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ are named 
> differently... i.e. ip_tables.o.
> > 
> > but trying to insmod ip_tables.o gives me:
> > insmod: a module named ip_tables already exists
> > 
> > so neeless to say, i'm a bit stumped... all i want is a simple 
> firewall script, and this seemed like a solution... if anyone can 
> suggest a remedy or suggest other scripts they've had success with 
> on sparc, I'd look forward to the input.
> > 
> > thanks,
> > Joubin
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

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