In short, support for TurboSPARC (SS5/170) in Linux is dodgy at best. You can find ample messages to this effect searching the list archives and those of the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list, as well at the FAQ at

Good luck!

Ross Camm wrote:
these are the boot up messages....just to confirm we are talking about
the same sparc....excuse any error, copied by hand.

we also get a fujitsu logo in the near the top left corner.

512kb secondary cache present
ioclk setting = cpuclk/2
sbusclk setting = cpuclk/8
running in turbosparc native mode

sparcstation 5 keyboard present
rom rev 2.15, 128mb memory installed
ehternet address blah blah blah

putting patch to put cpu in usii mode
snoop and ic-snoop turned on

does this match anything that someone has managed to get running ??


On Thu, 2004-05-06 at 11:42, Ross Camm wrote:

i have tried the tftpboot image you mention.

i get this message when i boot via cdrom, which results in the same
error message as the tftpboot.img above ( at work at the moment and dont
have a rarp kernel to set rarp up from )
Uncompressing image...
Loading initial ramdisk....
PROMLIB: obio_ranges 1

Watchdog Reset.

the ram dimm modules are in u300 to u303, and have tried swapping
modules around and only using 1 dimm module.

have tried mem=128m.

got m e stumped.


On Thu, 2004-05-06 at 11:26, David A. Riggs wrote:

Ross Camm wrote:

i have been attempting a debian install via tftp and cdrom on a
sparcstation 5/170 turbosparc with 128 meg ram without luck for a few

as soon as the ramdisk is loaded hardware resets.

i can boot openbsd and solaris fine.

does anyone have this model runnign debian and if so what
cdrom/tftpboot.img did you use and any special tricks ??

or is it a lost cause ?

I installed Debian woody on my SPARCStation 5/170 and then upgraded
it to sarge with no problems. I did the typical rarp/tftp/net install
using the following tftpboot image:

It's been several months now, so the details escape me, but I don't
recall having to jump through any special hoops for the SS5. In fact,
I had an easier time installing Debian on it than an SS20.

Can you provide more detailed information on what's going wrong?

- David A. Riggs <riggs at csee dot wvu dot edu>

Ross Camm, Technical Support, Asia Pacific
SnapGear - A CyberGuard Company
Leaders in embedded Linux security
Ph: +61 7 3435 2888
Fx: +61 7 3891 3630
SnapGear - Custom Embedded Solutions and Security Appliances

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