On Wednesday 26 May 2004 15:46, Joubin Moshrefzadeh wrote:
> Okay, I re-installed Debian Sparc on my Ultra5 from scratch, this
> time only doing a base installation of woody, then doing a
> dist-upgrade to testing, then tasksel to install desktop packages...
> but still i get errors when running startx (and I'm sorry but I'm way
> out of my depth here so I include the full xfree86.0.log): (any
> thoughts/pointers would be appreciated)

Try doing an XFree86 -configure, and start it using the config file it 
generates.  That seems to help out sometimes, and in this case, I think 
it'd help out a lot (based on this error):

> (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.

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The Computer Refuge               ---  http://computer-refuge.org

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