Blars Blarson wrote:

I don't know if it's the same issue, but I get the same kind of error
on my blade 100 when I reboot the machine:

* if I do a cold boot into Debian, it boots fine
* if it's running solaris, and I do a reboot and I select linux, I get a
'... MMU Miss' (sorry, don't remember what's on the dots) and I get
the ok prompt

You may want to try "reset" at the ok prompt and see if you can boot
linux then.  (halt at the silo prompt will drop you to openboot.)
I got in the "re" of "reset" and the screen started spitting out garbage ascii for 4 or 5 seconds, then dropped me back to the ok prompt, and now everything's frozen.

I'm going to try the link that Ben Collins gave for a different boot image; I'll let you know what happens.


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