
After some days with netbsd I decided to change to Debian/sarge. I've downloaded the netinst-iso and installed it. But after the installation process, I got a big problem. As it seems, there are some syscalls not implemented for SPARC, so I got something like a coredump when starting up. Until it gets to the point, where the terminal comes in, those error messages do not really harm. But then it crashes and reboots. That thing is strange! I mean, how could somebody made so buggy stuff public? Okay, never mind. Another issue is, that I put a hard drive from an Ultra1 in there. Although it has 2.1GB (ST32550WC), it claims that there are only about 785MB of free space. But when I enter the screen for partitioning first, it tells me, about 2.1GB of free space. But when I create a partition, which is indeed larger than 785MB, the partition is cut to that size and no free space left.
Does anybody what to do, in order to achieve a running Debian on that box?

So long,

Carsten Friede
        Dresden University of Technology
        Department of Computer Science
        Dresden, Germany

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