On Mon, Aug 16, 2004 at 02:05:03PM -0500,
 Jacob Schroeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
 a message of 48 lines which said:

> I'm now getting output on the serial console, using minicom. However,
> everything I enter from the keyboard is echoed back as a 0. I do not see
> any other output from the box, except for a strange string I got when it
> was first booting up. Unfortunately I didn't copy it, but it looked
> something like >..,>0>.., etc.

I had a lot of problems with an Ultra 10 and the serial port A. The
solution I used was:

1) Plug in a Sun keyboard.

2) Before booting, Hold STOP and N and do not release them until the
machine booted. This will reset the NVRAM. Ordinary users typically do
not have brand-new Sparc, only second-hand machines and you never know
the previous settings.

3) Without seeing anything, type STOP and A simultaneously. You will
go to the boot prompt (but, without a Sun monitor, you will not see
it). Then type:

setenv output-device ttyb
setenv input-device ttyb

Then, the second serial port, B, which uses a much more common DB9,
should work.

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