On Sun, 29 Aug 2004, David S. Miller wrote:

> On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 19:11:23 +0200
> "Daniel J. Priem" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What can you say about the performance of this machine.
> > how fast is it?
> > like a duro 1800 or what. i only know that a sparc is about Mhz*3=i386
> If you want good performance don't get a Sparc :-)

It depends what 'performance' means to you. If it means raw i/o and data
processing ability then you want Sparc, otherwise if you equate
'performance' to be how fast Doom 1/2/3/etc. runs on your computer, then
you're better off with a Wintendo machine.

We won't get into the fact that hardware is one thing, but there's the
software running on it as well which makes the whole thing totally
subjective unless the benchmarking is done with the same OS, same revision
level, same patch level, same packages installed, running the same
applications, etc... 8-)

> I also heavily disagree with that Mhz formula, if I had
> to give one I'd give something closer to mhz*1.5 at best.
> But with the speed the main busses are getting on x86
> these days, that multiplier is getting smaller and smaller.
> And the x86 uses memory much better than sparc due to the
> increased code density the x86 CISC instruction set has.

The benchmarks are changing day-to-day, so a rule of thumb applicable a
few years back perhaps isn't much use now.



 Craig Dewick ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). http://lios.apana.org.au/~craig
  APANA Sydney Regional Co-ordinator. Operator of Jedi (an APANA Sydney POP).
 Always striving for a secure long-term future in an insecure short-term world
   Have you exported a crypto system today? Do your bit to undermine the NSA.

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