Am Mo, den 20.09.2004 schrieb mark acierno um 4:51:
> Ok as you will all quickly figure out - i'm new to this!
> For starters I have a sun ultra 2 running debian 3r2.
> I started out wanting to install shapelib since Xastir ( a ham radio program) 
> uses this library. So I downloaded 
downloaded? did you use apt-get or just a webbrowser?
have you got the right version vor debian 3r2.
because there is NO shapelib for debian 3r2 on website.

> it and then tried to install it. But time 
> after time I ran into compatibility / update issues.  (Lib6, had a problem 
> with libshpl which needed an update of another file  ect. ect) I I went to 
> the Debian web page and saw that there was an update cd. So I downloaded it, 
> burned a cd-rom and installed it on my Ultra 2. I ran apt-cdrom and put in 
> the update disk. I ran dselect and went through the steps updating certain 
> software (non of which see to be helpful in running shapelib). The problem is 
> now that the package manager in genome will not not launch! it looks like it 
> will start up but then with out so much as an error message - it quits!
> so I have 3 issues..... this shapelib needs updates of a bunch of files - 
> isn't there a way to have the package manager ( or dselect) figure out the 
> dependancies needed and update what is required for shapelib  - or any other 
> package.  Then, what has happened to the package manager... I killed it but 
> i'm not sure how! - is it possible that the database it uses has been 
> corrupted (just  a guess).  Lastly, It seems like there are updates to 
> software - or so the package manager told me shapelib needed them before it 
> died - but they aren't on the update disk! should I be updating in a 
> different manner?
> can any one help me out with any of these issues ???

on a console run the following:

apt-get -f install

if then any erros occur. write them here.

if everything went fine then do after ready an 

apt-get install xastir :)))


> thanx
> mark

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