Take a look at my post regarding this issue:


I'll offer you the envctrltwo driver as well, with the understanding
that there are a few remaining issues to be addressed.  I can't seem
to find willing testers, despite several requests.


On Thu, 2 Dec 2004 15:22:14 -0600, james derry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i've already posted this on debian-user@lists.debian.org and was advised to
> post it here. please forgive duplication, if you've already received this
> message.
>  i've recently taken over sysadmin duties for a sun enterprise 250 running
> debian. the 250's has frontpanels LEDs, and one on this machine, the general
> fault LED, burns constant yellow. online documentation for the hardware at
> http://sunsolve.sun.com/handbook_pub/General/LEDs/E250_LEDs.html says:
>  This yellow LED blinks slowly while the system runs its power-on self-test
> (POST) diagnostics and blinks rapidly during OpenBoot diagnostic (OBDiag)
> tests. It lights steadily when any fault is detected (including a fault also
> reported by any other LED).
>  Q: could this be a normal state for enterprise 250s running debian? or is
> the LED truly reporting that a fault has been detected?
>  thanks,
>  james


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