Dear Sebastian,

On my Ultra 30 I've used HappyMeal with 2.4.27 since August: no problems.
In fact, I compiled the 2.4.27 and constructed HappyMeal *inside* the Kernel. Always I compiled the kernel I put it into the kernel, so as a module I d'ont know anything (sorry).



Sebastian Niehaus escreveu:


I just installed Debian on a Sun Ultra 1 Creator 3d. The Sarge imags I
got dind't detect my cdrom drive so I used Woody which worked quite

One Problem I experience now is the hanging HappyMeal syndrome which
seems to be common in 2.4.18. Since I am going to upgrade to a Sarge
kernel: has this Item been fixed in 2.4.27?

Thanks for your time,


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