I've an old SS20 laying around, that works flawlessy but slowly in UP
Some day ago i was finally able to get another cpu.

They are not the same (different part number, different placement of
some passive components, ...) but hold the same TI CPU and are both
recognized by the system as 390Z50[1].

I've tried to boot the standard 2.4.27 debian sarge smp kernel, and
oops() somewhere early in the init phase.
I've aso tried to rebuild a custom 2.4.31 kernel with smp, and something
goes better, the box arrive at XDM startup more or less, but die with:

Oct 26 16:15:55 (none) kernel: Unimplemented Sparc TRAP, type = 2b
Oct 26 16:15:55 (none) kernel:               \|/ ____ \|/
Oct 26 16:15:55 (none) kernel:               "@'/ ,. \"
Oct 26 16:15:55 (none) kernel:               /_| \__/ |_\
Oct 26 16:15:55 (none) kernel:                  \__U_/
Oct 26 16:15:55 (none) kernel: head(490): Whee... Hello Mr. Penguin
Oct 26 16:15:55 (none) kernel: PSR: 41000081 PC: 00010ccc NPC: 00010cd0 Y: 
00000000    Not tainted
Oct 26 16:15:55 (none) kernel: g0: 00000000 g1: fffff000 g2: 00000000 g3: 
00000001 g4: efffee84 g5: 00474c00 g6: ffffff00 g7: 50015640
Oct 26 16:15:55 (none) kernel: o0: f4ca5afc o1: f4a06a20 o2: 000153b0 o3: 
00000000 o4: 5003a062 o5: 00000001 sp: efffece0 o7: 00010c6c
Oct 26 16:15:55 (none) kernel: l0: f4a06a20 l1: f4ca5ae0 l2: f4ca5afc l3: 
00000000 l4: f49d8000 l5: 00000001 l6: 0177ff8e l7: 50172094
Oct 26 16:15:55 (none) kernel: i0: f49d9fb0 i1: 00000001 i2: 00000000 i3: 
000153b0 i4: 50019788 i5: 00000314 fp: efffed48 i7: 000153c0
Oct 26 16:15:55 (none) kernel: Instruction DUMP: 00000000  81c3e008 ae03c017 
<9de3bf98> 03000000  2f000056  7ffffffb  ae05e0f0  8210601c

Really i cannot mix CPU modules that have different part number or i'm
hitting some other bug?

prtconf -vp say me:

    Node 0xffd67150
        psr-implementation:  00000004
        psr-version:  00000001
        implementation:  00000000
        version:  00000000
        name: 'TI,TMS390Z50'
        dcache-line-size:  00000020
        dcache-nlines:  00000080
        dcache-associativity:  00000004
        icache-line-size:  00000040
        icache-nlines:  00000040
        icache-associativity:  00000005
        mmu-nctx:  00010000
        ncaches:  00000002
        sparc-version:  00000008
        reg:  0000000f.f8fffffc.00000004
        device_type: 'cpu'
        mid:  00000008
        page-size:  00001000
        context-table:  00000000.18fc0000.00040000
        mailbox-virtual:  ffeef000.00000001
        mailbox:  00000000.18fad000.00000001

    Node 0xffd67420
        psr-implementation:  00000004
        psr-version:  00000000
        implementation:  00000000
        version:  00000004
        name: 'TI,TMS390Z50'
        dcache-line-size:  00000020
        dcache-nlines:  00000080
        dcache-associativity:  00000004
        icache-line-size:  00000040
        icache-nlines:  00000040
        icache-associativity:  00000005
        mmu-nctx:  00010000
        ncaches:  00000002
        sparc-version:  00000008
        reg:  0000000f.fafffffc.00000004
        device_type: 'cpu'
        mid:  0000000a
        page-size:  00001000
        context-table:  00000000.18fc0000.00040000
        mailbox-virtual:  ffeef002.00000001
        mailbox:  00000000.18fad002.00000001


PS: it is normal that if i boot in UP mode i've to switch off (no
reboot) the box to properly boot in SMP mode?

[1]: hem, really, i've had to swap the CPUs, putting the cpus in one way
the box refuse to start (no even welcome screen, monitor dpms-off),
swapping the cpu the box boot.

dott. Marco Gaiarin                                 GNUPG Key ID: 240A3D66
  Associazione ``La Nostra Famiglia''                http://www.sv.lnf.it/
  Polo FVG  -  Via della Bontà, 7 - 33078  -  San Vito al Tagliamento (PN)
  gaio(at)sv.lnf.it             tel +39-0434-842711    fax +39-0434-842797

                        Grazie parlamento europeo!

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