On Fri, 12 May 2006 12:39:32 EDT, Dieszel writes:
>    Can anyone tell me if Sarge can be installed on an SS2 (it will be a 
>system logger) with Boot 2.6 ?

Debian will run on sun4c (which the SS2 is) in general. F'rex, I've 
 installed Woody on an SS1+ (though this one runs OpenBSD now):
      ok .version
      Release 1.3
      Version 4 created 90/03/07 13:08:39
 and Sarge on an SS10:
      ok .version
      Release 2.12 Version 2 created 93/03/29 14:25:15
 so I'd guess your SS2 with 2.6 should be ok - as long as you have enough
 RAM for the installer.

AFAIK Debian's support for sun4c will run out once Sarge is no longer 
 the stable release, so you might want to consider that.

> Or can I upgrade it to Open Boot ?

No idea on that one.

--     "Be Not Afraid of Sudden Fear" (Book of Proverbs)
-- He. Come to one of my exams unprepared and you'll get some sudden fear
-- to be afraid of! Bloody dimwits.              - az about some students

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