On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 17:50:09 -0500, David Campbell wrote:

> Greetings everyone, I have been trying to get a working 64-bit
> sparc64 system and having a lot of trouble. Today someone in
> #debian-sparc on oftc gave me a link[1]. I copied and pasted
> the Apt-lines into my sources.list file and ran "sudo apt-get
> update", but got the errors below. Can anyone tell me where I can
> get the packages from, or how I can help with this effort? I am
> very intereted in getting a 64-bit system running to use for HPC
> doing computational neuroscience research.
These apt lines are for the sparc64 arch, not sparc, so you can't
directly point apt at them on a sparc install.  Either debootstrap
with --arch=sparc64, or browse the mirror tree manually.


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