
Tilburg University wants to get rid of some old hardware.

- Sun SPARC Ultra 5 (very old, small)

- Sun Fire 280 R "uvtws1" (you need 2 man to lift it: big)  With FiberChannel 
   connected to disc cabinet

- Sun Enterprise 220 R "kubsu3" (same size/weight as uvtws1)

- Sun StorEdge T3 disc cabinet (9 discs, probably between 20 and 90 GB total 

- Digital DLT SCSI tapedrive DS-TZ89N-TA (collectors item!)

You can come and pick it up for free (i.e. gratis).  Be sure to have
some means of transportation.

If you're interested, send an email to LIS Unix Hardware
<lis-unix-hardware at uvt dot nl> and make an arrangement about time.
Be sure to mention exactly what you're interested in.  Be quick!

The systems are located at the Tilburg University campus, in The Netherlands.
Generally we're available at weekdays from about 9:00 till about 17:30.  Let us
know what time suits you.

BTW: we like cake.



Joost van Baal                            http://abramowitz.uvt.nl/
irc:joostvb at irc.uvt.nl                        Tilburg University
mailto:joostvb.uvt.nl                               The Netherlands

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