Greetings!  Yes, precisely, but in general there is no developer access
to these machines.

Take care,

Frans van Berckel <> writes:

> On Mon, 2014-08-11 at 13:28 -0500, Patrick Baggett wrote:
>> I would think it should be possible, but the whole sparc/sparc64
>> divide is something I don't really quite understand. I'm not sure what
>> a "sparc64 porterbox" would look like. Are you asking for an
>> environment where all of the userland is 64-bit binaries? If so, I
>> don't think debian has a true sparc64 porterbox yet -- mostly chroots
>> from what I understand. But from a technical standpoint, there are a
>> number of reasons why pure 64-bit environments aren't desired, and why
>> there hasn't been much of a rush to get them.
>> So all of that having been said, are you trying to create a 64-bit gcc
>> binary in "pure" 64-bit environment? Or just a gcc that can build
>> 64-bit sparc programs on sparc?
> Isn't that what sompek & sompek2 are for?
> Thanks,
> Frans van Berckel

Camm Maguire                              
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah

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