Oh one more thing I noticed:
I have to run the debootstrap --second-stage twice to get it to fully

Not sure if this is normal but I thought I'd mention it.


On 9/25/2015 11:32 AM, rod wrote:
> Good afternoon,
> Having re-read all of these emails again, I have two questions (before I
> go find another machine to play on so I don't mess this one (raverin) up):
> 1) in my efforts to setup my own chroot build environment I have created
> it using the debootstrap command as discussed and created a directory in
> my home directory: "sid-sparc64-sbuild-rod".  This hasn't been that bad.
> I also was able to get the libpcre in the correct place. Q: Is this the
> correct way to do this on a machine which currently has a build
> environment for sparc64?
> if so...
> 2) I think I need to create the configuration file making changes to
> point to my newly created sbuild directory (primarily name of the config
> file, new directory located in my home directory, and add my user name
> to the groups and root-groups lines). Is this correct?
> I REALLY don't want to mess up the buildd process we have going.
> Also, I noticed on raverin that when I did an apt-get source that is
> seems to be pulling from wheezy as opposed to unstable. Does this mean
> that the sources list has been changed?
> Oh and I think I'm going to work on liblo as it seems to have fewer
> problems and I need to understand more of the how, who and what of
> maintaining.
> Rod
> On 9/18/2015 2:57 PM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
>> On 09/18/2015 09:41 PM, rod wrote:
>>> 1) the installation we've done sets up a minimun "system" and things
>>> like network config, wget, and other programs need to be copied into the
>>> system to make them work?
>> I think you misunderstood. The chroot is solely used for *building* a
>> package, not anything else. You usually don't need a fancy network
>> configuration or additional tools installed for that.
>> The idea of the chroot for a build server or porter box is to have a
>> clean, well-defined minimum environment which is used to build packages.
>> This guarantees that your package is only build against libraries and
>> other binaries installed from unmodified Debian packages and is
>> necessary to make sure your package is installable and usable on
>> any standard Debian system. If you just built a package without a clean
>> chroot, you might end up building a package which requires weird
>> dependencies which are only present on your particular system and
>> therefore make the packages unusable on other Debian installations.
>> You also need a chroot in the special case when you run a 64-bit SPARC
>> kernel with a 32-bit userland such that all packages in the normal
>> system are "sparc" while you actually want to build on "sparc64"
>> packages. Then you need the chroot to have a "sparc64" build
>> environment.
>> Also, once the chroot has been set up and sbuild has been configured,
>> you don't have to change anything about the chroot configuration
>> anymore. You merely need to update the chroots from time to time
>> by chrooting into them and running "apt-get update && apt-get
>> dist-upgrade".
>>> 2) I downloaded the source for mozjs and attempted to build starting
>>> with a ./configure and found python was missing. Is it better to install
>>> the networking and such to do an apt-get install or should I manually
>>> install python?
>> That's not how Debian packages are built. You should work on the
>> actual Debian package:
>> $ apt-get source mozjs
>> $ cd mozjs-XXX
>> $ sbuild --source --arch-all --arch=sparc64  -d sid --source
>> Again, read the manpage for sbuild.
>> >From the top of my head, what needs to be done:
>> 1) Edit js/src/configure.in, line 3025:
>>    sparc- => sparc*-
>>    This makes sure "sparc64-linux-gnu" is detected at this
>>    point.
>> 2) Add dh-autoreconf to Build-Depends in debian/control
>> 3) Modify debian/rules to run autoreconf.
>> Steps 2) and 3) are necessary to have the configure script
>> rewritten as you modified the configure.in autoconf template
>> (configure is a machine-generated script which is created
>> by autoconf by interpreting configure.in).
>> See also: https://wiki.debian.org/Autoreconf
>>> 3) The version of mozjs I downloaded was 31.2.0-rc0.  Should I start
>>> with the this one or should I try 1.8.5-1.0.0+dfsg-4.3?
>> Take the one from Debian. Download the sources with apt-get source
>> mozjs.
>> Adrian

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