On 2017-03-05 10:54, sacarde wrote:
I have not seen a working display adapter on qemu for sparc64 target,
however, would you be able to consider vnc over ssh perhaps to run your X

I cant run X in virtualized system, ok (until I have vga=none)

do you mean run "ssh -X ..." to execute single applications on host PC ?




Install vnc server in your qemu-system-sparc64 image, (see e.g https://packages.debian.org/sid/tightvncserver ) then connect to it from your desktop vnc client. If you need to, wrap it in an SSH tunnel so that e.g.

vnc client connects to localhost:5911 ->SSH tunnel to qemu IP (port forward 5911 to remote host 5901) ->localhost:5901 vnc server

The vnc session is a bit like RDP in the windows world, a virtual X session that you can detach from / re-attach to later, ideal for headless servers or display-less emulated systems.

http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/vnc.htm might be a useful starting point.

Hope this helps,


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