On 08/06/2018 02:18 AM, Frank Scheiner wrote:
Dear Gregor,

On 08/06/2018 10:40 AM, Gregor Riepl wrote:
The latest net install image I have found is dated 18 May 2018. Is that the
latest version?  Will that install on an Ultra 10 without problems?

I wasn't able to install with the netinst ISO on my Ultra 10 without problems,

Are you referring to the ISO dated 18 May 2018 or to an ISO from another date?

And what problems did you experience on your Ultra 10?

Because the last time I checked an installation on my Ultra 10 - albeit with the ISO created on 20180516-10:56 - it worked for me. BTW the exact creation date can be found in `/boot/debian.txt` or `/README.txt` on the ISO.

but if you follow the instructions on the Debian Wiki, it should work fine.

Could you be also more specific about which instructions you followed to make it work for you?

There's currently a lot of information on the sparc64 page ([1]) but I don't know of anything specific to the Ultra 10.

[1]: https://wiki.debian.org/Sparc64


I am the original poster for this thread. I tried installing the NETINST.iso and also had a problem. The U10 has an HP DVD drive in it. The install CD seemed to load ok and the installer started. When it got to the detecting hardware function it decided that no cdrom drive was installed and would not proceed. I am going to install the original Sun cdrom drive and try again when I have time.
Best regards,

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