
> xorriso -as mkisofs -r -checksum_algorithm_iso md5,sha1
> -V 'Debian 10.0 sparc64 n'
> -o /home/glaubitz/debian-cd-test/debian-10.0-sparc64-NETINST-1.iso
> -J -joliet-long -cache-inodes
> -G /home/glaubitz/tmp/sid/CD1/../CD1/boot/grub/sparc64-ieee1275/cdboot.img
> -B ...
> --grub2-sparc-core /home/glaubitz/tmp/sid/CD1/../CD1/boot/grub/core.img
> CD1


  --grub2-sparc-core /boot/grub/core.img

You obviously give it the path on the source disk. But the option wants
the path in the ISO.

The disk path and the pathspec "CD1" give the impression that there
is a disk file


which by the sparse form of the pathspec will be mapped to ISO path


Later mail:
I wrote:
> >       -graft-points \
> >       /boot/grub/core.img=./dummy_for_core

> What is missing and what I am testing now is the > "-graft-points"
> option which matches the core.img in the ISO with the one outside the ISO.

Not needed.
This is not a matcher but rather an enabler and a file (or tree) insertion.

Option -graft-points enables the pathspec format iso_rr_path=disk_path .

The following pathspec makes use of this:
It inserts the disk file ./dummy_for_core into the ISO as
/boot/grub/core.img .

Your "CD1" inserts the disk tree ./CD1 into the ISO as /-directory.
(Actually it merges the content of ./CD1 with the content of /, which
 at that time is still empty. You may merge-in more disk trees.)

(That's all classical mkisofs operation. I am not happy about everything
 there, but it enables swift transition from mkisofs or genisoimage.)

The option
  -checksum_algorithm_iso md5,sha1
is without effect if you do not produce Jigdo files by option -jigdo-jigdo
et.al. It does not harm, though.

Have a nice day :)


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