
We are trying to boot Debian Sparc64 on a SPARC Enterprise M4000 server
(SPARC64 VII+), but, after selecting normal / expert / secure install mode,
we get this error message and the installer quits:

*ERROR: Last Trap: Division by Zero*
*%TL:1 %TT:28 %TPC:43056c %TnPC:430570 %TSTATE:1180001603*
*%PSTATE:16 ( IE:1 PRIV:1 PEF:1 )*

We have tried with the following ISO images:
*debian-12.0.0-sparc64-NETINST-1.iso*, *debian-10.0-sparc64-NETINST-1.iso*
and *debian-9.0-sparc64-NETINST-1.iso*.

Maybe this is an unknown incompatibility, or we are missing some steps when

¿Any ideas on how to fix this? ¿Has anyone experienced something similar?

Thanks in advance!
Kind regards.

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