On Friday 2024-05-10 15:59, Rainer Orth wrote:
>Stuff Received <st...@riddermarkfarm.ca> writes:
>> On 2024-05-10 07:44, Rainer Orth wrote (in part):
>>> Besides, if John had ever tried to build either GCC 13 or 14 on Solaris
>>> 11.3, gcc/configure would have told him about the obsoletion in no
>>> uncertain terms.
>> No, the option --enable-obsolete has allowed me to build on my T2000
>> running Solaris 11.3 until recently.  (I just built GCC 14.1.0 on said 
>> machine.)
>of course, but with default options you get a message indicating the
>      echo "*** Configuration ${target}${target_min} is obsolete." >&2
>      echo "*** Specify --enable-obsolete to build it anyway." >&2
>      echo "*** Support will be REMOVED in the next major release of GCC," >&2
>      echo "*** unless a maintainer comes forward." >&2
>So nobody can say they didn't know about the obsoletion.

I can. With my distro hat on, I can tell you that, when rpmbuild/dpkg-build*
completes with exit status 0, there certainly is much reduced incentive to go
looking at the build log.

This is also why people have started cutting dependency autodetection
from configure scripts (and the like) and making packagers having to use
explicit --disable-thisandthat flags since about the start of the decade.

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