forcemerge 774793 774711


This is basically the same as #774711, therefore merging.

On Wed, 2015-01-07 at 18:29 +0100, wrote: 
> The attached patch updates openssh-server debian defaults through the 
> postinst script according to[2], stribika[3] and my own
> work [4] by doing the following:
I don't think that doing this via the postinst scripts, or better said
via changing the default configs, is the right solution:

- it either requires that we generally rewrite people's configs as soon
as we think something should be changed for security reasons,...which is
a bad idea as we'd simply mess up with configs that people might have
chosen deliberately
- or that only fresh installations benefit from this.

Even worse would be, if Debian itself changes the hard coded defaults of
these options, as it unfortunately already does for several options.

The right approach is to put more pressure on upstream to remove unsafe
(or at least questionable) stuff from the defaults.

> - - only uses known secure Ciphers, KexAlgorithms and MACs
Not to forget HostKeyAlgorithms

> - - deletes moduli smaller than 2048-bits
I personally would doubt that this is enough (see e.g. ECRYPT II
And see my comments about the problems of the group size of DH methods
in SSH in #774711.

> - - disables known-insecure NIST ECDSA keys, Protocol 1 keys and 1024-bit
>   DSA keys
I basically agree,... you'll see though that I have still enabled the
NIST curves in my algos below, even though I basically never use them.

Protocol 1 is disabled in Debian anyway.

> - - generates 4096-bit RSA host keys by default 
>   (instead of the upstream default 2048)
I'd basically agree as well... better safe than sorry.

But apart from these,... your choices below are not really perfect:

> +filter_keys() {
> +    hostkeys="$(host_keys_required)"
> +    protocol="$(get_config_option Protocol)"
> +    if echo "$protocol" | grep 2 >/dev/null &&
> +        echo "$hostkeys" | grep 'HostKey .*ssh_host_rsa_key' >/dev/null 2>&1 
> ||
> +        echo "$hostkeys" | grep 'HostKey .*ssh_host_ed25519_key' >/dev/null 
> 2>&1; then
> +        # protocol 1 is known broken, DSA is only 1024bit large, and ECDSA 
> uses the NIST curves,
> +        # so remove all of them
> +        grep -ev '^ *HostKey .*ssh_host_(ecdsa|dsa)_key.*|^ *HostKey 
> .*ssh_host_key.*' /etc/ssh/sshd_config > /etc/ssh/sshd_config.dpkg-new
> +
> +        chown --reference /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config.dpkg-new
> +        chmod --reference /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config.dpkg-new
> +        mv /etc/ssh/sshd_config.dpkg-new /etc/ssh/sshd_config
> +    else
> +        echo "Warning, you do not have any secure keys enabled in your SSH 
> config" >&2
> +    fi
> +}
As I've said,... it's not our task to force a user to do safe things...
users might need to use these old algos, and they might do so e.g. in a
safe network where it's no big problem anyway.

> +KexAlgorithms 
DH-GEX in principle has several issues as well,.. as I've noted in

> +Ciphers,aes256-ctr,aes128-ctr
Why do you not allow the much safer,
Why not aes192-ctr

> +MACs 
It seems a bad idea to allow non-EtM modes, especially when you allow
CTR modes above.
Apart from that,... I'd avoid RIPEMD160.. it simply has reached it's
age,.. and it was never that well analyzed as other algos.

> +       # upgrade kexalgorithm, ciphers and macs, but only when unset
> +       # delete small moduli
Again,.. it's not ower right to mess around with possibly deliberately
choosen config.

I've attached now what has become my default config after considerable
"research" last November, and which I consider to be secure as possible
(as for what OpenSSH allows to configure).
It completely ignores any interoperability needs with older
clients/servers (i.e. many algos disabled)... and it only allows public
key based auth on the server side.
One might additionally want to disabled any NIST curves from the algos.

Each option prefixed by two "##" is equal to the OpenSSH default value.

Each options which is explicitly set but equal to it's default value
like (e.g. VerifyHostKeyDNS=no) is IMHO directly or indirectly security
relevant, and I set the value explicitly to handle the case that the
hard coded default should change to something less secure in a future
For some it might not be that obvious (StreamLocalBindUnlink=no)
respectively the security impact may be rather low/indirect.

Other explicitly set options (e.g. PrintMotd=no) obviously have no
security influence

#calestyo: openssh-server 1:6.7p1-3; 2014-11-05

#*** General                                                                 ***
##LogLevel              INFO
##SyslogFacility        AUTH

##PidFile               /var/run/

##StrictModes   yes

#*** System Techniques                                                       ***
UsePrivilegeSeparation  sandbox

#*** Networking                                                              ***
##AddressFamily any

##Port          22
#TODO: Set addresses. Remove this comment.
#ListenAddress  localhost
#ListenAddress  ip6-localhost

TCPKeepAlive    no
##IPQoS         lowdelay throughput

##UseDNS        yes

##MaxStartups   10:30:100
##MaxSessions   10

#*** Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol                                             ***
Protocol        2

##VersionAddendum       none
##DebianBanner          yes


#Note: In general, compression may be abused as an oracle for side-channel 
attacks when attackers can inject chosen-plaintexts into the transferred (and 
encrypted) data (see for example the CRIME attack). Therefore, compression must 
not be used when such injection (for example via content like URIs or account 
names within log files, mails or via uploaded files) into SSH-transferred data 
(from both, the client or the server) might be possible. If compression is 
enabled, then only “delayed” compression (algorithm “”) must be 
Compression             no

ClientAliveInterval     15
ClientAliveCountMax     8

GSSAPIKeyExchange       no

#TODO: Consider adding “diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256” once OpenSSH bugs 
#2302 ( and #2303 
( have been solved.
KexAlgorithms  ,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp256
#Note: Non-AEAD cipher algorithms (for example “aes256-ctr”, “aes192-ctr” and 
“aes128-ctr”) must not be allowed when non-EtM MAC algorithms are used.
Ciphers        ,,,aes256-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes128-ctr
#Note: Non-EtM MAC algorithms should generally not be allowed and must not be 
allowed when non-AEAD cipher algorithms (for example “aes256-ctr”, “aes192-ctr” 
and “aes128-ctr”) are used.
MACs           ,,

ServerKeyBits           4096
KeyRegenerationInterval 10m
RekeyLimit              default 1h

#*** Server Authentication                                                   ***
HostKey                 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
HostKey                 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
HostKey                 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
#Note: SSH Version 2 DSA host keys are implicitly disabled.
##HostKey               /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
#Note: SSH Version 1 RSA host keys are implicitly disabled.
##HostKey               /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key

#*** Client Authentication Methods                                           ***
PasswordAuthentication          no
PermitEmptyPasswords            no

KbdInteractiveAuthentication    no

ChallengeResponseAuthentication no

RhostsRSAAuthentication         no

HostbasedAuthentication         no
HostbasedUsesNameFromPacketOnly no

KerberosAuthentication          no
KerberosOrLocalPasswd           no
##KerberosGetAFSToken           no
##KerberosTicketCleanup         yes

GSSAPIAuthentication            no
GSSAPIStrictAcceptorCheck       yes
##GSSAPIStoreCredentialsOnRekey no
##GSSAPICleanupCredentials      yes

RSAAuthentication               no

PubkeyAuthentication            yes

IgnoreUserKnownHosts    yes
IgnoreRhosts            yes

#*** Client Authentication And Authorisation                                 ***
AuthenticationMethods   publickey

LoginGraceTime          60
MaxAuthTries            4


##AuthorizedKeysCommand         none
AuthorizedKeysCommandUser       invalid
AuthorizedKeysFile              .ssh/authorized_keys


#Note: These directives are processed in the following order: DenyUsers, 
AllowUsers, DenyGroups, AllowGroups
#TODO: Set users and groups. Remove this comment.
#DenyUsers      *
#AllowUsers     nonexistent
AllowUsers      root
##AllowGroups   *

#TODO: Set whether and how root can log in. The value “yes” should be avoided 
and “forced-commands-only” or “without-password” considered instead. Remove 
this comment.
#PermitRootLogin        no
PermitRootLogin without-password

#*** Session                                                                 ***
UsePAM          yes
##UseLogin      no

##PermitTTY             yes
##AllowAgentForwarding  yes
##PermitUserRC          yes

PermitUserEnvironment   no

##PrintLastLog  yes
PrintMotd       no


#*** Forwarding                                                              ***
##AllowStreamLocalForwarding    yes
StreamLocalBindMask             0177
StreamLocalBindUnlink           no

##AllowTcpForwarding            yes
##PermitOpen                    any

PermitTunnel                    no

X11Forwarding                   yes
X11UseLocalhost                 yes
##X11DisplayOffset              10
##XAuthLocation                 /usr/bin/xauth

GatewayPorts    no

#*** Subsystems                                                              ***
Subsystem       sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server
#calestyo: openssh-client 1:6.7p1-3; 2014-11-05

Host *

#*** General                                                                 ***

##LogLevel      INFO

##BatchMode                     no
##NumberOfPasswordPrompts       3

HashKnownHosts                  no
##VisualHostKey                 no

#*** Networking                                                              ***
##AddressFamily                 any

##UsePrivilegedPort             no

##Port                          22

##CanonicalizeHostname          no
CanonicalizeMaxDots             0
##CanonicalizeFallbackLocal     yes

TCPKeepAlive    no
##IPQoS         lowdelay throughput

##ProxyCommand          none
##ProxyUseFdpass        no

##UseRoaming            yes

##ConnectTimeout        none
##ConnectionAttempts    1

#*** Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol                                             ***
Protocol        2

#Note: This is not set system-widely to a value like 
“~/.ssh/control-mux/%l_%r@%h:%p” (TODO: plus the “identity symbol” and similar 
as from #2321) because not every user has a home directory. #TODO: Once OpenSSH 
bugs #2311 ( and #2321 
( have been solved, 
consider(!) to either set this to a value like 
“/tmp/ssh-control-mux_%u@%l_%r@%h:%p” (plus the “identity symbol” and similar 
as from #2321) or change it to the implicit default value of “none” (since it 
is then no longer security relevant because of #2311). But take into account, 
that even further things than just the identity (as in #2321) may change the 
SSH connection (that would result depending on whether control channel 
multiplexing is used or not) and therefore it may be desired to keep an 
explicit value of “none”.
ControlPath     none
##ControlMaster no
ControlPersist  1s

#Note: In general, compression may be abused as an oracle for side-channel 
attacks when attackers can inject chosen-plaintexts into the transferred (and 
encrypted) data (see for example the CRIME attack). Therefore, compression must 
not be used when such injection (for example via content like URIs or account 
names within log files, mails or via uploaded files) into SSH-transferred data 
(from both, the client or the server) might be possible.
Compression             no
##CompressionLevel      6

ServerAliveInterval     15
ServerAliveCountMax     8

GSSAPIKeyExchange       no

#TODO: Consider adding “diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256” once OpenSSH bugs 
#2302 ( and #2303 
( have been solved.
KexAlgorithms  ,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp256
##Cipher                3des
#Note: Non-AEAD cipher algorithms (for example “aes256-ctr”, “aes192-ctr” and 
“aes128-ctr”) must not be allowed when non-EtM MAC algorithms are used.
Ciphers        ,,,aes256-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes128-ctr
#Note: Non-EtM MAC algorithms should generally not be allowed and must not be 
allowed when non-AEAD cipher algorithms (for example “aes256-ctr”, “aes192-ctr” 
and “aes128-ctr”) are used.
MACs           ,,

RekeyLimit              default 1h

#*** Server Authentication                                                   ***
StrictHostKeyChecking                   yes

CheckHostIP                             yes
VerifyHostKeyDNS                        no
NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost        no

GlobalKnownHostsFile    /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
UserKnownHostsFile      ~/.ssh/known_hosts


#*** Client Authentication Methods                                           ***
##PasswordAuthentication                yes

##KbdInteractiveAuthentication          yes

##ChallengeResponseAuthentication       yes

##RhostsRSAAuthentication               no

##HostbasedAuthentication               no
EnableSSHKeysign                        no

##GSSAPIAuthentication                  no
GSSAPIDelegateCredentials               no
GSSAPIRenewalForcesRekey                no
GSSAPITrustDns                          no

RSAAuthentication                       no

##PubkeyAuthentication                  yes

#*** Client Authentication And Authorisation                                 ***

##IdentitiesOnly        no

#Note: Identities are presented to SSH servers in the order as they are 
specified in the SSH client configuration and followed by identities provided 
by the SSH authentication agent.
IdentityFile            ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
IdentityFile            ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa
IdentityFile            ~/.ssh/id_rsa
#Note: SSH Version 2 DSA identities are implicitly disabled.
#IdentityFile           ~/.ssh/id_dsa
#Note: SSH Version 1 RSA identities are implicitly disabled.
#IdentityFile           ~/.ssh/identity


#*** Session                                                                 ***
##RequestTTY    auto
ForwardAgent    no

##EscapeChar            ~

PermitLocalCommand      no

##LocalCommand  none

#*** Forwarding                                                              ***
StreamLocalBindMask     0177
StreamLocalBindUnlink   no

Tunnel                  no
##TunnelDevice          any:any

ForwardX11              no
ForwardX11Trusted       no
ForwardX11Timeout       0s
##XAuthLocation         /usr/bin/xauth

ExitOnForwardFailure    yes
##ClearAllForwardings   no

GatewayPorts            no


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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