On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 07:28:38PM +0200, Raphaël Hertzog wrote:
> dput and dput-ng are using "scp" and don't offer any simple way to
> configure command line parameters and the switch to "sftp-behind-the-back"
> broke dput for me with some targets (cf #1011063).
> I would have liked to be able to add something like this in ~/.ssh/config:
> Host deb.freexian.com
>     UseLegacyScp true
> And be done with it. But there's no such option. It would be nice if
> upstream could implement this.

It would be best if you could forward this upstream yourself
(https://bugzilla.mindrot.org/), since that way you can advocate for it


Colin Watson (he/him)                              [cjwat...@debian.org]

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