M'oblidava de comentar que el programari és bastant limitat, ja que no hi cap gaire cosa en 195 MB, però hi he intentat posar uan cosa de cada, tot i haver d'eliminar alguna que preferia: El Mozilla no hi és però ja hi ha el Konqueror i el Kmail. Ho se, ho se, no són el mateix, però el mozilla pesa que fa por. Us envio la llista de paquets.



|                                                                    |
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| .:fGj;       .tGG;              VICTOR ZABALZA                     |
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| jf     i,       Gt          vzabalza @ teleline.es                 |
| Li     j     .  G,                                                 |
| fi     ji  .  :j:           vzabalto7 @ fis.ub.edu                 |
|  ;L:    .;tii;i:                                                   |
|   jG:                    Usuari Linux Registrat #27445             |
|    iL,                                                             |
|     .it,.           GNU/Linux Debian Testing - Kernel 2.4.20       |
|        :i:                                                         |
|           i:                                                       |
|                                                                    |
| Estat=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Estat,Err: majúsc.=dolent)
||/ Nom            Versió         Descripció
ii  aalib1         1.4p5-17       ascii art library
ii  abiword        1.0.2+cvs.2002 Dummy package providing abiword
ii  abiword-common 1.0.2+cvs.2002 WYSIWYG word processor
ii  abiword-gtk    1.0.2+cvs.2002 WYSIWYG word processor based on GTK
ii  abiword-plugin 1.0.2+cvs.2002 Plugins for AbiWord
ii  adduser        3.49           Add and remove users and groups
ii  apmd           3.0.2-6        Utilities for Advanced Power Management (APM
ii  apt            0.5.4          Advanced front-end for dpkg
ii  apt-utils      0.5.4          APT utility programs
pi  aptitude     curses-based apt frontend
ii  arpwatch       2.1a11-6       Ethernet/FDDI station activity monitor.
ii  arts           1.0.4-1        Analog Realtime Synthesizer (aRts) metapacka
ii  artwiz-cursor  2.4            Artwiz futuristic mouse cursor for X
ii  ash-knoppix    0.2-3          A smaller version of the Bourne shell enhanc
ii  attr           2.0.12-1       Utilities for manipulating filesystem extend
ii  aumix-gtk      2.7-26         Simple mixer control program with GUI and te
ii  autofs         3.9.99-4.0.0pr A kernel-based automounter for Linux.
ii  automount-knop 0.5-1          Auto-generate autofs(5) lines on demand
rc  base-config    1.49           Debian base configuration package
ii  base-files     3.0.6          Debian base system miscellaneous files
ii  base-passwd    3.4.2          Debian Base System Password/Group Files
ii  bash           2.05b-3        The GNU Bourne Again SHell
ii  bb             1.3rc1-3       An ASCII-art demo
rc  binutils The GNU assembler, linker and binary utiliti
rc  bison          1.75-1         A parser generator that is compatible with Y
ii  bsdmainutils   5.20020211-7   More utilities from FreeBSD.
ii  bsdutils       2.11n-4        Basic utilities from 4.4BSD-Lite.
ii  bzip2          1.0.2-1        A high-quality block-sorting file compressor
ii  cdparanoia     3a9.8-7        An audio extraction tool for sampling CDs.
ii  cdrecord       1.10+11a34-1   A command line CD/DVD writing tool
ii  checkmem       0.5-1          Simple script to check if enough memory is a
ii  cloop-module   0.66-1         The compressed loopback block device kernel 
pi  cloop-utils    0.66-1         Tools for handling with cloop compressed vol
ii  console-common 0.7.19         Basic infrastructure for text console config
ii  console-data   2002.12.04dbs- Keymaps, fonts, charset maps, fallback table
ii  console-tools  0.2.3-23.3     Linux console and font utilities.
ii  console-tools- 0.2.3-23.3     Shared libraries for Linux console and font 
ii  coreutils      4.5.2-1        The GNU core utilities
ii  cpio           2.5-1          GNU cpio -- a program to manage archives of 
ii  cpp            2.95.4-17      The GNU C preprocessor.
pi  cpp-2.95       2.95.4-11      The GNU C preprocessor.
ii  cron           3.0pl1-72      management of regular background processing
ii  debconf        1.2.21         Debian configuration management system
ii  debianutils    1.16.7         Miscellaneous utilities specific to Debian
ii  defoma         0.11.1         Debian Font Manager -- automatic font config
ii  dhcp           2.0pl5-14      DHCP server for automatic IP address assignm
ii  dialog         0.9b-20020814- Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from she
ii  diff           2.8.1-1        File comparison utilities
ii  doc-base       0.7.14         Utilities to manage online documentation
ii  dosfstools     2.8-1          Utilities to create and check MS-DOS FAT fil
ii  dpkg           1.10.9         Package maintenance system for Debian
ii  dselect        1.10.9         a user tool to manage Debian packages
ii  e1000          3.1.23-1       Intel(R) PRO/1000 driver for Linux
ii  e2fsprogs      1.29+1.30-WIP- The EXT2 file system utilities and libraries
ii  ee             1.4.2-4        An "easy editor" for novices and compuphobic
ii  eject          2.0.12-1       ejects CDs and operates CD-Changers under Li
ii  elvis          2.1.4-4.2      A much improved "vi" editor with syntax high
rc  emacsen-common 1.4.15         Common facilities for all emacsen.
ii  esound-clients 0.2.23-3       Enlightened Sound Daemon - clients
ii  esound-common  0.2.23-3       Enlightened Sound Daemon - Common files
ii  etcskel-knoppi 0.5-19         Skeleton files for the KNOPPIX default user
ii  euro-support   1.14           Use euro character in your Debian system
ii  euro-support-c 1.14           Use euro character in your console environme
ii  euro-support-x 1.14           Use euro character in your X environment
ii  fakeroot       0.4.5-2.7      Gives a fake root environment.
ii  fdflush        1.0.1-7        A disk-flushing program.
ii  fdutils        5.4-20020222-3 Linux floppy utilities
rc  fetchmail-comm 5.9.11-7       POP3, APOP, IMAP mail gatherer/forwarder (co
rc  fetchmail-ssl  5.9.11-7       SSL-enabled POP3, APOP, IMAP mail gatherer/f
ii  file           3.39-1         Determines file type using "magic" numbers
ii  fileutils      4.5.2-1        GNU file management utilities
ii  findutils      4.1.7-2        utilities for finding files--find, xargs, an
ii  fttools        1.2-13         FreeType font utilities.
ii  gaim           0.58-2         GPL multi-protocol instant messenger client 
ii  gaim-common    0.58-2         GPL multi-protocol instant messenger client 
ii  gdk-imlib1     1.9.14-11      imaging library for use with gtk (using libp
ii  gettext        0.10.40-8      GNU Internationalization utilities
ii  gettext-base   0.10.40-8      GNU Internationalization utilities for the b
ii  git            4.3.20-2       GNU Interactive Tools
ii  gpart          0.1h-3         Guess PC disk partition table, find lost par
ii  gpm            1.19.6-12      General Purpose Mouse Interface
rc  gqcam          0.9-1          GTK Webcam control
ii  grep           2.4.2-3        GNU grep, egrep and fgrep.
ii  grep-dctrl     1.10           Grep Debian package information
rc  groff          1.18-7         GNU troff text-formatting system
ii  groff-base     1.18-7         GNU troff text-formatting system (base syste
rc  groff-x11      1.17.2-15.wood GNU troff components for the X Window System
ii  grub           0.92+cvs200209 GRand Unified Bootloader
ii  gs             7.05-1         The Ghostscript Postscript interpreter
ii  gs-common      0.3.3          Common files for different Ghostscript relea
ii  gsfonts        6.0-2.1        Fonts for the ghostscript interpreter
ii  gsfonts-x11    0.16           Make Ghostscript fonts available to X11.
ii  gtk-engines-pi 0.12-8         Pixmap-based theme for GTK+ 1.2
ii  gtk-theme-swit 1.0-2          Gtk+ theme switching utility
ii  gzip           1.3.5-1        The GNU compression utility.
ii  hdparm         4.5-1.2        Tune hard disk parameters for high performan
ii  hexedit        1.2.2-1        view and edit files in hexadecimal or in ASC
ii  host           20000331-8     Utility for Querying DNS Servers
ii  hostname       2.09           A utility to set/show the host name or domai
ii  hotplug        0.0.20020826-1 Linux Hotplug Scripts
ii  hotplug-utils  0.0.20020401-4 Linux Hotplug utility programs
ii  hping2         2.rc1-2        Active Network Smashing Tool
ii  hunt           1.5-3          Advanced packet sniffer and connection intru
ii  hwdata-knoppix 0.36-4         hardware identification / configuration data
ii  hwsetup        1.0-4          Automatic hardware setup using the kudzu lib
ii  icatalan       0.1-4          The Catalan dictionary for ispell
ii  ifupdown       0.6.4-4.4      High level tools to configure network interf
rc  imagemagick    Image manipulation programs.
ii  imlib-base     1.9.14-6       Common files needed by the Imlib/Gdk-Imlib p
rc  imlib-progs    1.9.14-6       Configuration program for Imlib and GDK-Imli
rc  imlib1         1.9.14-11      imaging library for X and X11 (using libpng2
ii  iproute        20010824-8     Professional tools to control the networking
ii  iptables       1.2.7a-7       IP packet filter administration tools for 2.
ii  iptraf         2.7.0-2        Interactive Colorful IP LAN Monitor
rc  irda-common    0.9.14-18      IrDA management utilities
ii  isapnptools    1.26-1         ISA Plug-And-Play configuration utilities.
ii  ispell     International Ispell (an interactive spellin
ii  kate           3.0.4-1        KDE Advanced Text Editor
ii  kbdconfig      0.5-2          Lightweight keyboard configuration tool for 
ii  kcalc          3.0.4-1        KDE calculator
ii  kcontrol       3.0.4-1        KDE Control Center
ii  kdcop          3.0.4-1        KDE DCOP Browser
ii  kde-i18n-ca    3.0.4-1        Catalan i18n files for KDE
ii  kde-theme-liqu 0.9.5-1        A KDE theme featuring transparent menues
ii  kde-theme-liqu 0.9.5-1        The splash screen from kde-theme-liquid
ii  kde-update-men 0.5-2          Fixes the "Debian" submenus in KDE
ii  kdebase-bin    3.0.4-1        KDE Base (binaries)
ii  kdebase-data   3.0.4-1        KDE Base (shared data)
ii  kdebugdialog   3.0.4-1        KDE Debug Settings
ii  kdelibs-bin    3.0.4-1        KDE core binaries
ii  kdelibs-data   3.0.4-1        KDE core shared data
ii  kdelibs4       3.0.4-1        KDE core libraries
ii  kdelock-knoppi 0.5-1          Replaces the kdesktop_lock with non-locking 
ii  kdesktop       3.0.4-1        KDE Desktop
ii  kdessh         3.0.4-1        KDE ssh frontend
ii  kdm            3.0.4-1        KDE Display Manager
rc  kdvi           3.0.4-1        KDE dvi viewer
ii  kfile-graphics 3.0.4-1        provide meta information for graphic files
ii  kghostview     3.0.4-1        PostScript viewer for KDE.
ii  kicker         3.0.4-1        KDE Desktop Panel
ii  kioslave       3.0.4-1        KDE I/O Slaves
ii  klaptopdaemon  3.0.4-1        KDE battery monitoring and management for la
ii  kmail          3.0.4-1        KDE Email client
ii  kmix           3.0.4-1        KDE based mixer app
ii  kmoon          3.0.4-1        moon phase indicator for KDE
ii  knoppix-bookma 0.5-2          Bookmark file templates for KNOPPIX
ii  knoppix-hdinst 0.29-0         A Knoppix HD-installation script
ii  knoppix-menu   0.5-1          Menu structure and icons for the KDE/GNOME K
ii  knoppix-sounds 0.5-1          2 of the Space Sounds taken from the Mandrak
ii  knoppix-termin 0.5-3          Starts all services necessary to boot KNOPPI
ii  konqueror      3.0.4-1        KDE's advanced File Manager, Web Browser and
ii  konqueror-nspl 3.0.4-1        Netscape plugin support for Konqueror
ii  konsole        3.0.4-1        KDE X terminal emulator
ii  kpager         3.0.4-1        KDE Desktop Pager
ii  kpersonalizer  3.0.4-1        KDE Personalizer
ii  kppp           3.0.4-1        KDE dialer and frontend to pppd
ii  ksmserver      3.0.4-1        KDE Session Manager
ii  ksnapshot      3.0.4-1        Screenshot application for KDE
ii  ksplash        3.0.4-1        KDE Splash Screen
ii  ksysguard      3.0.4-1        KDE System Guard
ii  kudzu          0.99.66-2      The Red Hat Linux hardware probing tool.
ii  kudzu-vesa     0.99.66-2      Hardware detecting library
ii  kview          3.0.4-1        A simple image viewer/converter for KDE.
ii  kviewshell     3.0.4-1        KDE generic framework for viewer application
ii  kweather       3.0.4-1        weather display applet for KDE
ii  kwin           3.0.4-1        KDE Window Manager
ii  kxkb           3.0.4-1        KDE X Keyboard
ii  less           378-2          A file pager program, similar to more(1)
ii  lesstif1       0.93.36-3      OSF/Motif implementation released under LGPL
ii  libao2         0.8.3-1        Cross Platform Audio Output Library
ii  libapm1        3.0.2-6        Library for interacting with APM driver in k
ii  libarts1       1.0.4-1        aRts Sound system
ii  libarts1-bin   1.0.4-1        aRts Sound system (binaries)
ii  libarts1-glib  1.0.4-1        aRts Sound system (glib support libraries)
ii  libarts1-qt    1.0.4-1        aRts Sound system (qt/x11 support libraries)
ii  libasound2     0.9.0rc3-0.3   Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (libraries
ii  libattr1       2.0.12-1       Extended attribute shared library
ii  libaudiofile0  0.2.3-4        The Audiofile Library
ii  libbz2-1.0     1.0.2-1        A high-quality block-sorting file compressor
ii  libc6          2.3.1-9        GNU C Library: Shared libraries and Timezone
ii  libcap1        1.10-12        support for getting/setting POSIX.1e capabil
ii  libcdparanoia0 3a9.8-7        Shared libraries for cdparanoia (runtime lib
pi  libcupsys2     1.1.15-4       Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - libs
ii  libcurl2       7.10.2-2       Multi-protocol file transfer library, now wi
ii  libdate-manip- 5.40-1         a perl library for manipulating dates
ii  libdb1-compat  2.1.3-7        The Berkeley database routines [glibc 2.0/2.
ii  libdb2      The Berkeley database routines (run-time fil
ii  libdb3         3.2.9-17       Berkeley v3 Database Libraries [runtime]
ii  libdps1        4.2.1-3        Display PostScript (DPS) client library
ii  libesd0        0.2.23-3       Enlightened Sound Daemon - Shared libraries
ii  libexpat1      1.95.2-9       XML parsing C library - runtime library
ii  libfam0        2.6.8-3        client library to control the FAM daemon
ii  libfreetype6   2.1.2-9        FreeType 2 font engine, shared library files
ii  libft-perl     1.2-13         Perl module for the FreeType library
ii  libgda2-1      0.8.193-1      GNU Data Access library for GNOME2
ii  libgda2-common 0.8.193-1      Common files for GNU Data Access library for
ii  libgdbmg1      1.7.3-27.1     GNU dbm database routines (runtime version).
ii  libgdk-pixbuf2 0.20.0-1       The GdkPixBuf library.
pi  libgimpprint1  4.2.2-pre2-1   Gimp-print printer drivers - core library
ii  libglib1.2     1.2.10-6       The GLib library of C routines
ii  libglib2.0-0   2.0.6-1        The GLib library of C routines
ii  libglib2.0-dat 2.0.6-1        Common files for GLib library
ii  libglide2      2001.01.26-1.1 Graphics library for 3Dfx Voodoo based cards
ii  libglide3      2001.01.26-1.1 Graphics library for 3Dfx Voodoo based cards
ii  libgmp3        4.0.1-3        Multiprecision arithmetic library
ii  libgpmg1       1.19.6-12      General Purpose Mouse Library [libc6]
ii  libgtk1.2      1.2.10-14      The GIMP Toolkit set of widgets for X
ii  libgtk1.2-comm 1.2.10-14      Common files for the GTK+ library
ii  libjcode-pm-pe 0.73-1         Perl extension interface to convert Japanese
ii  libjpeg-progs  6b-6           Programs for manipulating JPEG files
ii  libjpeg62      6b-6           The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG runtime li
ii  libkdenetwork2 3.0.4-1        KDE Network (common libraries)
ii  libkonq4       3.0.4-1        Core libraries for KDE's file manager
ii  liblcms1       1.09-3         Color management library
ii  libldap2       2.0.23-14      OpenLDAP libraries (without TLS support).
ii  liblockfile1   1.03           NFS-safe locking library, includes dotlockfi
ii  libltdl3       1.4.2-7.1      A system independent dlopen wrapper for GNU 
ii  libmikmod2     3.1.10-3       A portable sound library
ii  libmime-base64 2.12-4         MIME/Base64 decoding for Perl
ii  libmimelib1    3.0.4-1        KDE network mime library
ii  libmng1        1.0.4-3        Multiple-image Network Graphics library
ii  libncp Shared library used by programs that use Net
ii  libncurses5    5.2.20020112a- Shared libraries for terminal handling
ii  libnet-perl    1.12-1         Implementation of Internet protocols for Per
ii  libnewt0       0.50.17-9.6    Not Erik's Windowing Toolkit - text mode win
ii  libogg0        1.0.0-1        Ogg Bitstream Library
ii  libomapi3      9.1.3-1        Shared Library used by BIND
rc  libopenh323-1. 1.7.4-6        H.323 aka VoIP library
ii  libpam-modules 0.76-7         Pluggable Authentication Modules for PAM
ii  libpam-runtime 0.76-7         Runtime support for the PAM library
ii  libpam0g       0.76-7         Pluggable Authentication Modules library
ii  libpaperg      1.1.8          Library for handling paper characteristics
ii  libparted1.4   1.4.24-4       The GNU Parted disk partitioning library, sh
ii  libpcap0       0.6.2-2        System interface for user-level packet captu
ii  libpcre3       3.4-1.1        Philip Hazel's Perl Compatible Regular Expre
ii  libpcsclite0   1.1.2-ubeta2-1 PC/SC Lite client library
ii  libperl5.6     5.6.1-7        Shared Perl library.
ii  libpng2        1.0.12-6       PNG library - runtime
ii  libpng3        1.2.1-1.1      PNG library - runtime
ii  libpopt0       1.6.4-2        lib for parsing cmdline parameters
ii  libpspell-ispe 0.12-7         Ispell module for pspell
ii  libpspell4     0.12.2-6       Portable spell checker interface library
rc  libpt-1.2.0    1.2.5-5        Portable Windows Library
ii  libqt3         3.0.5-3        Qt GUI Library (runtime files)
ii  libqt3-mt      3.0.5-3        Qt GUI Library (Threaded runtime version)
ii  libreadline4   4.3-4          GNU readline and history libraries, run-time
rc  librep9        0.16.1-2       an embeddable Emacs-Lisp-like runtime librar
rc  libruby        1.6.7-3        Libraries necessary to run Ruby
ii  libsasl7       1.5.27-3.3     Authentication abstraction library.
rc  libsdl-mm0.1   0.1.8-4        C++ wrapper for Simple DirectMedia Layer
rc  libsdl-net1.2  1.2.2-1.1      network library for Simple DirectMedia Layer
ii  libsdl1.2debia 1.2.4-1        Simple DirectMedia Layer (with X11 and OSS o
ii  libsensors1    2.6.4-3        Library to read temperature/voltage/fan sens
ii  libsigc++0     1.0.4-3        Type-safe Signal Framework for C++ - runtime
ii  libssl0.9.6    0.9.6g-6       SSL shared libraries
ii  libstdc++2.10  2.95.2-14      The GNU stdc++ library
ii  libstdc++2.10- 2.95.4-15      The GNU stdc++ library
ii  libtiff3g      3.5.5-6        Tag Image File Format library
ii  libtowitoko2   2.0.7-2        Towitoko smartcard reader PCSC and CT-API dr
ii  libttf2        1.4pre.2001102 FreeType 1, The FREE TrueType Font Engine, s
ii  libungif4g     4.1.0b1-3      shared library for GIF images (runtime lib)
ii  libvorbis0     1.0.0-1        The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
ii  libvorbisenc2  1.0.0-1        The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
ii  libvorbisfile3 1.0.0-1        The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
ii  libwmf-bin     0.2.2-4        Windows metafile conversion tools.
ii  libwmf0.2-2    0.2.2-4.1      Windows metafile conversion library.
ii  libwrap0       7.6-ipv6.1-3   Wietse Venema's TCP wrappers library
ii  libxaw6        4.2.1-3        X Athena widget set library (version 6)
ii  libxaw7        4.2.1-3        X Athena widget set library
ii  libxml2        2.4.24-1       GNOME XML library
ii  libxslt1       1.0.21-0.2     XSLT processing library
ii  lilo           22.3.3-2       LInux LOader - The Classic OS loader can loa
ii  links-ssl      0.98-1         Character mode WWW browser with SSL
ii  locales        2.3.1-9        GNU C Library: National Language (locale) da
ii  login          20000902-12    System login tools
ii  logo-knoppix   3.1-1          The background wallpaper for KNOPPIX
ii  logrotate      3.6.5-2        Log rotation utility
ii  loop-aes       1.5b-1         AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) Kernel mo
ii  make           3.79.1-15      The GNU version of the "make" utility.
ii  makedev        2.3.1-62       Creates device files in /dev.
ii  man-db         2.4.0-10       The on-line manual pager
ii  manpages       1.48-2         Manual pages about using a GNU/Linux system
ii  mawk           1.3.3-9        a pattern scanning and text processing langu
ii  mbr            1.1.5-1        Master Boot Record for IBM-PC compatible com
ii  menu           2.1.5-14       provides update-menus functions for some app
ii  mime-support   3.20-1         MIME files 'mime.types' & 'mailcap', and sup
ii  mkisofs        1.10+11a34-1   Creates ISO-9660 CD-ROM filesystem images.
ii  modconf        0.2.44         Device Driver Configuration
ii  modutils       2.4.19-3       Linux module utilities.
ii  mount-aes      2.11n-5        Tools for mounting and manipulating filesyst
ii  mouseconfig    0.5-1          Lightweight mouse configuration tool for Kno
rc  mozilla-mailne 1.2.1-9        Mozilla Web Browser - mail and news support
rc  mozilla-psm    1.2.1-9        Mozilla Web Browser - Personal Security Mana
ii  mt-st          0.7-2          Linux SCSI tape driver aware magnetic tape c
ii  mtools         3.9.8-10       Tools for manipulating MSDOS files
ii  mtr            0.51-1         Full screen ncurses and X11 traceroute tool
rc  mutt           1.4.0-4        Text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, 
ii  nas-lib        1.5-1          The Network Audio System (NAS). (shared libr
ii  ncurses-base   5.2.20020112a- Descriptions of common terminal types
ii  ncurses-bin    5.2.20020112a- Terminal-related programs and man pages
ii  net-tools      1.60-4         The NET-3 networking toolkit
ii  netbase        4.09           Basic TCP/IP networking system
ii  netcardconfig- 0.5-11         Minimalistic ncurses/dialog-based network co
ii  netkit-inetd   0.10-9         The Internet Superserver
ii  netkit-ping    0.10-9         The ping utility from netkit
ii  networkconfig- 0.5-1          KDE/GNOME Menus for network configuration in
ii  nfs-common     1.0.2-1        NFS support files common to client and serve
ii  nfs-kernel-ser 1.0-2          Kernel NFS server support
rc  nis            3.9-6.2        Clients and daemons for the Network Informat
ii  nmap           3.00-0.1       The Network Mapper
ii  nparted        0.1-5          Newt and GNU Parted based disk partition tab
ii  openssl        0.9.6g-6       Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related
ii  parted         1.4.24-4       The GNU Parted disk partition resizing progr
ii  partimage      0.6.1-23       Linux/UNIX utility to save partitions in a c
ii  passwd         20000902-12    Change and administer password and group dat
ii  pciutils       2.1.10-3       Linux PCI Utilities (for 2.[12345].x kernels
ii  pcmcia-cs      3.2.2-1        PCMCIA Card Services for Linux.
ii  perl           5.6.1-7        Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report
ii  perl-base      5.6.1-7        The Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister.
pi  perl-modules   5.6.1-7        Core Perl modules.
ii  portmap        5-2            The RPC portmapper
ii  powermgmt-base 1.9            Common utils and configs for power managemen
ii  ppp            2.4.1.uus-4    Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) daemon.
ii  pppconfig      2.1            A text menu based utility for configuring pp
ii  procinfo       17-1           Gathers and displays misc. system informatio
ii  procps         2.0.7-10       The /proc file system utilities.
ii  psfontmgr      0.11.1         PostScript font manager -- part of Defoma, D
rc  psi            0.8.6-1        Jabber client using Qt
ii  psmisc         21.2-1         Utilities that use the proc filesystem
ii  pump           0.8.11-8       Simple DHCP/BOOTP client.
ii  python         2.1.3-4        An interactive object-oriented scripting lan
ii  python-imaging 1.1.3-1        The Python Imaging Library.
ii  python-xmlbase 2.1.3-4        XML support included in Python (default vers
ii  python2.1      2.1.3-4        An interactive object-oriented scripting lan
ii  python2.1-imag 1.1.3-1        The Python Imaging Library.
ii  python2.1-xmlb 2.1.3-4        XML support included in Python (v2.1)
ii  reiserfsprogs  3.6.3-1        User-level tools for ReiserFS filesystems
ii  rootshell-knop 0.5-1          Menu entry for starting a Root Shell
rc  samba          2.2.3a-6       A LanManager like file and printer server fo
rc  samba-common   2.2.3a-6       Samba common files used by both the server a
ii  saveconfig-kno 0.5-9          Shell GUI for generation of a KNOPPIX config
ii  scanpartitions 0.5-1          fstab-helper for KNOPPIX
ii  sed            3.02-8         The GNU sed stream editor.
ii  setserial      2.17-30        Controls configuration of serial ports.
ii  sharutils      4.2.1-9        shar, unshar, uuencode, uudecode
ii  shellutils     4.5.2-1        The GNU shell programming utilities.
ii  sitar          0.7.2-1        SITAR - System InformaTion At Runtime
ii  slang1         1.4.5-1        The S-Lang programming library - runtime ver
rc  smail    Electronic mail transport system.
ii  sndconfig      0.69-1         Easy soundcard configuration
ii  soundcardconfi 0.5-1          Starts sndconfig as root
ii  sox            12.17.3-6      A universal sound sample translator.
ii  ssh            3.4p1-4        Secure rlogin/rsh/rcp replacement (OpenSSH)
ii  sshstart-knopp 0.5-1          Starts SSH and sets a password for the knopp
ii  sudo           1.6.6-3        Provides limited super user privileges to sp
ii  sudoers-knoppi 0.5-1          /etc/sudoers for the knoppix user
rc  swat           2.2.3a-6       Samba Web Administration Tool
ii  symlinks       1.2-4          scan/change symbolic links
ii  syslinux       1.75-1         Bootloader for Linux/i386 using MS-DOS flopp
ii  sysvinit       2.84-128       System-V like init with KNOPPIX scripts.
hc  sysvinit-knopp 2.84-1         System-V like init with KNOPPIX scripts.
ii  t1lib1         1.3.1-1        Type 1 font rasterizer library - runtime
ii  tar            1.13.25-3      GNU tar
rc  tasksel        1.21           Tool for selecting tasks for installation on
ii  tcl8.3         8.3.3-8        The Tool Command Language (TCL) v8.3 - Run-T
ii  tcpd           7.6-ipv6.1-3   Wietse Venema's TCP wrapper utilities
ii  tcpdump        3.6.2-2.1      A powerful tool for network monitoring and d
ii  testdisk       4.0-1          Partition scanner and disk recovery tool.
ii  textutils      4.5.2-1        The GNU text file processing utilities
ii  tftp           0.17-9         Trivial file transfer program.
ii  tftpd-hpa      0.28-2.1       HPA's tftp server
ii  tk8.3          8.3.3-9        The Tk toolkit for TCL and X11 v8.3 - Run-Ti
ii  tsocks         1.8beta4-2     transparent network access through a SOCKS 4
ii  unzip          5.50-1         De-archiver for .zip files
ii  usbutils       0.9-1          USB console utilities
ii  usleep-knoppix 0.5-1          sleeps for a number of microseconds, see man
ii  util-linux     2.11n-4        Miscellaneous system utilities.
ii  util-linux-loc 2.11n-5        Locales files for util-linux
ii  uudeview       0.5.18-5       Smart multi-file multi-part decoder (command
rc  vorbis-tools   1.0.0-1        Several Ogg Vorbis Tools
ii  wcatalan       0.1-4          The Catalan dictionary words for /usr/share/
ii  wget           1.8.2-5        retrieves files from the web
ii  whiptail       0.50.17-9.6    Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from she
ii  whois          4.5.31         The GNU whois client
ii  wireless-tools 25-2           Tools for manipulating Linux Wireless Extens
rc  wvdial       PPP dialer with built-in intelligence.
rc  xaw3dg         1.5-14         Xaw3d widget set
ii  xbase-clients  4.2.1-3        miscellaneous X clients
ii  xchat          1.8.9-2        IRC client for X similar to AmIRC
ii  xchat-common   1.8.9-2        Common files for X-Chat
ii  xf86config-kno 0.7-7          XFree86 template config files and setup prog
ii  xfonts-100dpi  4.2.1-3        100 dpi fonts for X
ii  xfonts-100dpi- 4.2.1-3        100 dpi fonts for X (transcoded from ISO 106
ii  xfonts-75dpi   4.2.1-3        75 dpi fonts for X
ii  xfonts-75dpi-t 4.2.1-3        75 dpi fonts for X (transcoded from ISO 1064
ii  xfonts-abi     1.0.2+cvs.2002 Some fonts shipped with AbiWord
ii  xfonts-artwiz  2.4            Small futuristic ASCII fonts for X
ii  xfonts-base    4.2.1-3        standard fonts for X
ii  xfonts-base-tr 4.2.1-3        standard fonts for X (transcoded from ISO 10
ii  xfonts-pex     4.2.0-0a1      fonts for minimal PEX support in X
ii  xfonts-scalabl 4.2.1-3        scalable fonts for X
ii  xfonts-terminu 3.94-1         Fixed-width fonts for fast reading
ii  xfree86-common 4.2.1-3        X Window System (XFree86) infrastructure
ii  xfs            4.2.1-3        X font server
ii  xfsprogs       2.3.5-1        Utilities for managing the XFS filesystem
ii  xlib6g         4.2.1-3        pseudopackage providing X libraries
ii  xlibmesa3      4.2.1-3        XFree86 version of Mesa 3D graphics library
ii  xlibs          4.2.1-3        X Window System client libraries
ii  xloadimage     4.1-10         Graphics file viewer under X11
ii  xmms           1.2.7-1.1      Versatile X audio player that looks like Win
ii  xmms-cdread    0.14a-9.1      Input plugin for XMMS that reads audio data 
ii  xpdf           1.01-3         Portable Document Format (PDF) suite
ii  xpdf-common    1.01-3         Portable Document Format (PDF) suite -- comm
ii  xpdf-i         1.0-1          Portable Document Format viewer for X11, wit
ii  xpdf-reader    1.01-3         Portable Document Format (PDF) suite -- view
ii  xpdf-utils     1.01-3         Portable Document Format (PDF) suite -- util
ii  xsensors       0.10           A hardware health information viewer.
ii  xserver-3dlabs 3.3.6-44       X server for 3DLabs GLINT and Permedia-based
ii  xserver-8514   3.3.6-44       X server for ATI 8514/A-based graphics cards
ii  xserver-agx    3.3.6-44       X server for IBM XGA and IIT AGX-based graph
hi  xserver-common 4.2.1-3        files and utilities common to all X servers
ii  xserver-common 3.3.6-44       files and utilities common to XFree86 3.x X 
ii  xserver-i128   3.3.6-44       X server for Number Nine Imagine 128 graphic
ii  xserver-mach32 3.3.6-44       X server for ATI Mach32-based graphics cards
ii  xserver-mach64 3.3.6-44       X server for ATI Mach64-based graphics cards
ii  xserver-mach8  3.3.6-44       X server for ATI Mach8-based graphics cards
ii  xserver-mono   3.3.6-44       X server for monochrome graphics cards and/o
ii  xserver-p9000  3.3.6-44       X server for Weitek P9000-based graphics car
ii  xserver-s3     3.3.6-44       X server for S3 chipset-based graphics cards
ii  xserver-s3v    3.3.6-44       X server for S3 ViRGE and ViRGE/VX-based gra
ii  xserver-svga   3.3.6-44       X server for SVGA graphics cards
ii  xserver-vga16  3.3.6-44       X server for VGA graphics cards
ii  xserver-w32    3.3.6-44       X server for Tseng ET4000/W32 and ET6000-bas
hi  xserver-xfree8 4.2.1-3        the XFree86 X server
ii  xsession-inits 0.5-7          Starts X-Window session without login on KNO
ii  xsession-knopp 0.5-19         Automatic Xsession startup script for KNOPPI
ii  xutils         4.2.1-3        X Window System utility programs
ii  xviddetect     0.3-4          XFree86 installation helper
ii  zip            2.30-5         Archiver for .zip files
ii  zlib1g         1.1.4-6        compression library - runtime

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