Jo tenia un problema semblant i vaig trobar això en una llista de correu. Està 
en anglès i ara no tinc temps per traduïr-t'ho, però si no ho entens, m'ho 
dius i t'ho traduiré (jo o alguna altra ànima caritativa...


Hy all,

I have two linux box runing Slackware 8.1 and I want to run the X GUI
(KDE, for ex.) from one to the other.
Also I want to be able to explore one from the other (like Network
place in Win)
Any hints?

I'll assume the following:

 - you are on a home network (no security issues)

 - you have X already running on the "user" machine (
    (The machine that you're sitting at with the Kbd, monitor and mouse.

 - you installed X on the remote "server" machine (
    (The headless machine in the basement, closet, attic, etc.)

To get started, try the following:

 - on the user machine, open an xterm or rvxt

 - type "xhost +"

 - type "ssh -l username -X"
if necessary, answer "yes" to the key question, then give the password for
username.  You now are issuing commands on the server, so type

 - "export DISPLAY="

Now start any X application you want, such as
 - konqueror &
 - kmail &
 - xclock -analog -update 1 &

The X-based programs will run on the server, but display on the user machine. 
If you want to observe the connections realtime, look at 
 - "netstat -t"
and you should see some 6000 port connections carrying the application's

Remember to close your apps before exiting the ssh session, or it'll hang
waiting for them to close.

Depending on how you entered X on the user machine, you probably cannot do a
"startkde &" command, since a Window manager is already running on the user
machine.  If you know how to start an X session without using a window
manager, then using KDE or GNOME or fvwm or whatever is possible.  It requires
hacking your .xinitrc on the user machine so no window manager starts, only an
xterm.  Then the remote machine can provide the window manager.

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