* [05/09/04 03:19] Albert Mora:
> Algú em pot explicar què carall és això del SenderID i què romanços és
> aquest drama que Debian (ni Apache ni...) no pot acceptar paquets que
> l'implementin o suportin?

De www.microsoft.com/mscorp/twc/privacy/spam_senderid.mspx

«The Sender ID Framework is tasked with verifying that each e-mail
message originates from the Internet domain from which it claims to come
based on the sender's server IP address. Eliminating domain spoofing
will help legitimate senders protect their domain names and reputations,
and help recipients more effectively identify and filter junk e-mail and
phishing scams.»

O sigui suposo que t'obliguen a utilitzar el servidor de correu
del domini de la teva adreça. No sé si acabarà amb el SPAM, però
almenys per mi serà una tocada d'ous considerable.


That's all you need tae dae in life. Just be yourself, he'd tell me.
It was the most difficult, challenging thing anybody ever asked of me.
--Irvine Welsh, Glue.

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