El dg 18 de 09 de 2011 a les 00:14 +0200, en/na hubble va escriure:

> > Jordi.
> podries fer un dmesg
> $ dmesg
> i també veure  el /var/log/syslog
> potser surt alguna cosa que doni una pista. També depèn de cóm et connectes: 
> cable? wifi? Com estableixes la ip, és fixa?, amb dhcp?
> Per a que la xarxa funcioni, i veure si tens les rutes actives, pots fer 
> # route 
> i veure si conserva la configuració cap el teu encaminador.
> apa, sort
 Puntualment, quan faltaven un parell de minuts per les 21h ha tornat a
passar. Aquest es part del syslog:

Sep 18 20:33:01 Imhotep /USR/SBIN/CRON[24862]: (nobody) CMD
([ -x /usr/share/sa-
exim/greylistclean ] && /usr/share/sa-exim/greylistclean)
Sep 18 20:33:01 Imhotep sa-exim[24863]: Removed 0 of 0 greylist tuplets
in 0 sec
Sep 18 20:33:01 Imhotep sa-exim[24863]: Removed 0 of 0 greylist
directories in 0
Sep 18 20:47:53 Imhotep kernel: [31975.274644] Inbound IN=eth0 OUT=
:28:26:de:00:15:99:6d:7a:46:08:00 SRC= DST=
LEN=285 TO
S=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=61535 PROTO=UDP SPT=1026 DPT=8008 LEN=265 
Sep 18 20:58:04 Imhotep dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to
port 67
Sep 18 20:58:04 Imhotep dhclient: DHCPNAK from
Sep 18 20:58:04 Imhotep dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 6
7 interval 3
Sep 18 20:58:04 Imhotep dhclient: DHCPOFFER from
Sep 18 20:58:04 Imhotep dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to
port 67
Sep 18 20:58:04 Imhotep NetworkManager[1690]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4
state change
d bound -> expire
Sep 18 20:58:04 Imhotep dhclient: DHCPACK from
Sep 18 20:58:04 Imhotep NetworkManager[1690]: <info> (eth0): device
state change
: 8 -> 9 (reason 6)
Sep 18 20:58:04 Imhotep NetworkManager[1690]: <info> Marking connection
'Auto et
h0' invalid because IP configuration expired.
Sep 18 20:58:04 Imhotep NetworkManager[1690]: <warn> Activation (eth0)
Sep 18 20:58:04 Imhotep NetworkManager[1690]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4
state change
d expire -> preinit
Sep 18 20:58:04 Imhotep NetworkManager[1690]: <info> (eth0): DHCPv4
state change
d preinit -> bound
Sep 18 20:58:04 Imhotep NetworkManager[1690]: <info> (eth0): device
state change
: 9 -> 3 (reason 0)
Sep 18 20:58:04 Imhotep NetworkManager[1690]: <info> (eth0):
deactivating device
 (reason: 0).
Sep 18 20:58:04 Imhotep dhclient: bound to -- renewal in
34247 sec
Sep 18 20:58:04 Imhotep NetworkManager[1690]: <info> (eth0): canceled
DHCP trans
action, DHCP client pid 1709
Sep 18 20:58:04 Imhotep NetworkManager[1690]: <error>
[1316372284.582111] [nm-sy
stem.c:1229] check_one_route(): (eth0): error -34 returned from
: Netlink Error (errno = Numerical result out of range)
Sep 18 20:58:04 Imhotep avahi-daemon[1735]: Withdrawing address record
for 192.1
68.0.192 on eth0.
Sep 18 20:58:04 Imhotep avahi-daemon[1735]: Leaving mDNS multicast group
on inte
rface eth0.IPv4 with address
Sep 18 20:58:04 Imhotep avahi-daemon[1735]: Interface eth0.IPv4 no
longer releva
nt for mDNS.
Sep 18 20:58:36 Imhotep named[1609]: error (network unreachable)
resolving './NS


Segons he vist, sembla problema del NetworkManager, el qual ja he
desinstal·lat. Ja veuré demà .... Per cert la connexió ordinador <->
encaminador es via cable, no soc gaire del wifi.

Gracies per l'ajuda.



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