Am Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 06:09:20 +0200 schrieb Marc Haber:

> ich habe hier einen Rechner, der sein Syslog auf eine FlashDisk
> schreiben soll, die in einer black box an der seriellen Schnittstelle
> hängt. Dazu muß _vor_ dem Start des syslogd die serielle Schnittstelle
> /dev/ttyS0 auf "115200 8N1" ohne jeglichen Handshake initialisiert
> werden.

Eventuell kann grub das, isch 'abe allerdings keinen Schimmer, ob beim
Booten des Kernels diese Einstellung wieder gebügelt wird.

w3m -dump /usr/share/doc/grub/grub_7.html

7. Using GRUB via a serial line

This chapter describes how to use the serial terminal support in GRUB.


As for GRUB, the instruction to set up a serial terminal is quite simple. First
of all, make sure that you haven't specified the option `--disable-serial' to
the configure script when you built your GRUB images. If you get them in binary
form, probably they have serial terminal support already.

Then, initialize your serial terminal after GRUB starts up. Here is an example:

  grub> serial --unit=0 --speed=9600 
  grub> terminal serial              

The command serial initializes the serial unit 0 with the speed 9600bps. The
serial unit 0 is usually called `COM1', so, if you want to use COM2, you must
specify `--unit=1' instead. This command accepts many other options, so please
refer to 13. The list of available commands, for more details.


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