
vielleicht weiß ja jemand eine Diagnose. Meine Hauppauge WinTV PCI funzt nicht
mehr. Der Aufruf von xawtv bringt nur noch folgendes:

This is xawtv-/home/adam/x/xawtv, running on Linux/i586 (2.2.14)
can't open /dev/video: No such device
v4l-conf had some trouble, trying to continue anyway
DGA: version mismatch -- disabled
Warning: Cannot convert string "false" to type ResizeMode
x11: 1152x864, 32 bit/pixel, 0 byte/scanline, VidMode
open /dev/video: No such device
open /dev/video: No such device
no video grabber device available    

In der xconsole wird vermeldet:

May  8 21:11:33 vimesMay  8 21:12:24 vimes kernel: Linux video capture 
interface: v1.00 
May  8 21:12:24 vimes kernel: i2c: initialized 
May  8 21:12:24 vimes modprobe: can't locate module char-major-81-0

Sollte die Karte tatsächlich die Ablebe gemacht haben?  Oder da war doch noch
mit den EEPROM. readee liefert allerdings auch nur:

Cannot open /dev/bttv

Hat jemand ne Idee?


In fact, the mere act of opening the box will determine the state of the
cat, although in this case there were three determinate states the cat
could be in: these being Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.
        -- Schrodinger's Moggy explained
           (Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies)
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