Hannes Lau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Also war meine Frage: Was ist neuer/aktueller (was auch immer) 5.5.0
> oder 5.3.3?

Siehe Debian Policy Manual, Chapter 4 Version numbering.

| The strings are compared from left to right.
| First the initial part of each string consisting entirely of
| non-digit characters is determined. These two parts (one of which
| may be empty) are compared lexically. If a difference is found
| it is returned. The lexical comparison is a comparison of ASCII
| values modified so that all the letters sort earlier than all the
| non-letters.
| Then the initial part of the remainder of each string which
| consists entirely of digit characters is determined. The numerical
| values of these two parts are compared, and any difference found
| is returned as the result of the comparison. For these purposes
| an empty string (which can only occur at the end of one or both
| version strings being compared) counts as zero.

6 > 5.5.1 > 5.5 > 5.4.3.beta20010528 > 5.2.

Test mittels
dpkg --compare-versions 5.3.3 le 5.5.0 && echo "5.3.3 <= 5.5.0"
             hth, cu andreas
Uptime: 10 seconds  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
vim:ls=2:stl=***\ Sing\ a\ song.\ ***

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