Am 2005-04-09 16:23:30, schrieb messmate:
> Bonjour,
> à titre d'info, j'ai fetchmail, mailfilter, procmail, courier,
> postfix d'installé.

Si tu utiliser "courier", pourquoi tu installer "postfix" ?

> Je viens de m'apercevoir que j'ai commenté ma ligne
>  mda procmail.........    dans ma fetchmailrc.

RTFM:   man fetchmail

  __( manpage 'fetchmail' )_____________________________________________
| fetchmail(1)                                         fetchmail(1)
|        -m <command> | --mda <command>
|               (Keyword:  mda)  You can force mail to be passed to
|               an MDA directly (rather than forwarded to port  25)
|               with the --mda or -m option.  To avoid losing mail,
|               use this option only with  MDAs  like  procmail  or
|               sendmail  that return a nonzero status on disk-full
|               and other resource-exhaustion errors;  the  nonzero
|               status  tells  fetchmail  that  delivery failed and
|               prevents the message from  being  deleted  off  the
|               server.   If  fetchmail is running as root, it sets
|               its userid to that of the target user while  deliv­
|               ering  mail through an MDA.  Some possible MDAs are
|               "/usr/sbin/sendmail     -i     -f      %F      %T",
|               "/usr/bin/deliver"  and  "/usr/bin/procmail  -d %T"
|               (but the latter is usually redundant as  it's  what
|               SMTP  listeners normally forward to).  Local deliv­
|               ery addresses will be inserted into the MDA command
|               wherever  you  place  a %T; the mail message's From
|               address will be inserted where you place an %F.  In
|               both  cases  the  addresses  are enclosed in single
|               quotes ('), after removing any single  quotes  they
|               may  contain,  before  the MDA command is passed to
|               the shell.  Do  not  use  an  MDA  invocation  like
|               "sendmail -i -t" that dispatches on the contents of
|               To/Cc/Bcc, it will create mail loops and bring  the
|               just wrath of many postmasters down upon your head.
|               Also, do not try to combine multidrop mode with  an
|               MDA  such  as  procmail  that  can  only accept one
|               addressee; you will lose.
|                                                      fetchmail(1)

> Je sais plus pourquoi d'ailleurs, pourtant les messages sont bien
> déposés dans les 
> répertoires respectifs selon ma procmailrc.


> Qui appelle donc ma procmail ??

RTFM:   man fetchmail

> merci d'avance pour l'info
> mess-mate


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