
> >as-tu fait "apt-get update" pour mettre à jour la liste des packetages
> >disponibles ?
> >
> >il vaut mieux répondre à la liste et pas seulement à moi. Comme ça, tout
> > le monde lira nos emails et tout le monde en profite. Et si je me trompe,
> > qn me corrigera.
> >
> >Klaus
> Ok pour la liste. 

Seulement la liste, pas à moi en plus.

> Oui bien sur
> Obelix:/etc/apt# apt-get update
> Atteint stable/non-US/main Packages
> Atteint stable/non-US/main Release
> Atteint stable/non-US/main Sources
> Atteint stable/non-US/main Release
> Atteint stable/updates/main Packages
> Atteint stable/updates/main Release
> Atteint stable/updates/contrib Packages
> Atteint stable/updates/contrib Release
> Atteint stable/main Packages
> Atteint stable/main Release
> Réception de : 1 sarge/non-free Packages [1692B]
> Réception de : 2 sarge/non-free Release [136B]
> Atteint sarge/volatile/main Packages
> Atteint sarge/volatile/main Release
> Atteint stable/main Packages
> Atteint stable/main Release
> Atteint stable/main Sources
> Atteint stable/main Release
> 1828o réceptionnés en 3s (522o/s)
> Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
> Obelix:/etc/apt# apt-cache search ^java
> libclassworlds-java - Java ClassLoader Framework
> libclassworlds-java-doc - Java ClassLoader Framework Documentation
> libstruts1.2-java - Java Framework for MVC web applications
> jta - Java telnet/ssh applet
> java-package - utility for building Java(TM) 2 related Debian packages
> velocity - Java-based template engine for web application
> libitext-java-doc - Java Library to generate PDF on the Fly Documentation
> libpng-sixlegs-java - Java package to read and display PNG images
> rhino - JavaScript engine written in Java
> libgnome2-jni - Java framework for creating GNOME applications
> libgnome2-java - Java framework for creating GNOME applications
> libglade2-java - Java support for libglade gnome interface
> javacc - A parser generator for use with Java
> jasmin-sable - java assembler compiler
> libjsch-java-doc - java secure channel examples
> libjsch-java - java secure channel
> libgcj5-dev - Java development headers and static library for use with gcj
> libgcj-dev - Java development headers and static library for use with gcj
> libcommons-modeler-java-doc - Javadoc API documentation and examples for
> Commons Modeler
> classpath-doc - Java API documentation
> libcommons-daemon-java - Java API to launch java applications as daemons
> kaffe-pthreads-profile - A POSIX threads and profiling enabled version
> of the Kaffe VM
> libqt3-jni - Java bindings for Qt ( Native libraries )
> libqt3-java - Java bindings for Qt
> mozilla-venkman - Javascript debugger for Mozilla and Firefox
> libgetenv-java - Java library for obtaining environment variables
> libdtdparser-java - Java DTD parser library
> libsaxpath-java - Java XPath engine for use on a variety of XML object
> models
> libroxen-jsredirect - Javascript pulldown menu module for the Roxen
> Challenger web server
> libjaxen-java - Java XPath engine for use on a variety of XML object models
> lib-dom-java - Java bindings for the DOM API Level 1 - dummy package
> libdom1-java - Java bindings for the DOM API Level 1
> ant - Java based build tool like make
> ant-doc - Java based build tool like make - API documentation
> libtomcat4-java - Java Servlet engine -- core libraries
> tomcat4 - Java Servlet 2.3 engine with JSP 1.2 support
> tomcat4-webapps - Java Servlet engine -- documentation and example web
> applications
> tomcat4-admin - Java Servlet engine -- admin web interfaces
> bsh - Java scripting environment
> libstruts1.1-java - Java Framework for MVC web applications
> gij-3.4 - The GNU Java bytecode interpreter
> libgcj5 - Java runtime library for use with gcj
> libgcj5-common - Java runtime library for use with gcj (jar files)
> gcj-3.4 - The GNU compiler for Java(TM)
> libgcj-common - Java runtime library (common files)
> libgcj4 - Java runtime library for use with gcj
> gij-3.3 - The GNU Java bytecode interpreter
> gcj-3.3 - The GNU compiler for Java(TM)
> libgcj4-common - Java runtime library for use with gcj (jar files)
> libgcj4-dev - Java development headers and static library for use with gcj
> gcj - The GNU Java compiler
> sablevm - Free implementation of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) second edition
> jikes-sablevm - Wrapper for jikes using classes from SableVM JVM
> jikes-classpath - Wrapper for jikes using classes from Classpath package
> libant1.6-java - Java based build tool like make -- library
> libant1.5-java - Java based build tool like make
> mindterm - java ssh client that can be used as a web applet
> libmysql-java - Java database (JDBC) driver for MySQL
> kaffe-jthreads - A green threads enabled version of the Kaffe VM
> kaffe-pthreads - A POSIX threads enabled version of the Kaffe VM
> jikes-kaffe - Wrapper for jikes using Kaffe classes
> libpgjava - Java database (JDBC) driver for PostgreSQL
> java-common - Base of all Java packages
> jamvm - Java Virtual Machine which conforms to JVM specification 2
> jikes-gij - Wrapper for jikes using GNU GIJ classes
> java2html - Highlight Java and C++ sources for WWW presentation
> libjaxp1.2-java - Java XML parser and transformer APIs (DOM, SAX, JAXP,
> TrAX)
> mozilla-js-debugger - JavaScript debugger for use with Mozilla
> j2re1.4 - Blackdown Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition
> j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin - Java plugin for mozilla/firefox
> j2sdk1.4 - Blackdown Java(TM) 2 SDK, Standard Edition
> j2sdk1.4-doc - Java(TM) 2 SDK, Standard Edition -- Documentation Installer
> Obelix:/etc/apt#
> Je fais quoi maintenant ?

apt-get install  j2re1.4  j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin

puis relancer firefox et vérifier avec "about:plugins" dans la barre d'adresse 
si java est présent



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