Le vendredi 9 Juin 2006 17:39, Raphaël Sauvain a écrit :
> > Normally when you start Firestarter by clicking an icon or manually from
> > a terminal, the system will prompt you for your root user's password.
> > However, this is a bit of a hassle, especially if you want to run
> > Firestarter all the time when logged in. In that case Firestarter can be
> > loaded in the background when you log in with your regular user, without
> > asking a password and minimized to the system tray (pictured right).
> > Giving the user permission to launch Firestarter without the root
> > password
> >
> > In order for a regular user to be able to launch Firestarter, the user
> > must be given additional privileges. Edit your /etc/sudoers file in your
> > favorite text editor and add the following line at the end: username ALL=
> > NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/firestarter
Si si !

Il ne disent pas que tous peuvent lancer firestarter comme si il étaient 
"root", mais que pour chaque utilisateurs puissent avoir en icône dans la 
barre de tache... Mais que si il le lance "you log in with your regular 
user", donc pas root... Or quoi tu fasses "iptables" ne peut-être manipulé 
que par "root".

Par ailleur, ils informe que si "root" désire que l'utilisateur "username" 
puisse configurer firestarter.... dans /etc/suoders :
username ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/firestarter


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