Do you lie awake at night wishing for a blue-badge job at Microsoft? 
Now's your chance! To land this dream job, you need to know SQL Server 
inside-out, produce elegant programmatic solutions, be passionate about 
teaching others how to get the most out of SQL Server--oh, and can you 

PLUS--Only two more days to participate in the Salary Survey, and only 
a couple more weeks to send in your SQL Server Innovator Award 

   "Have you generated extra income by doing IT work on the side?" Go 
to the SQL Server Magazine home page ( ) and 
submit your vote for:

-- Yes, I regularly do outside work for extra income.
-- Yes, but only occasionally.
-- No, but I'd consider it.
-- No, my regular job takes all my time.
-- No, I don't want to.

Subscribe to SQL Server Magazine, and add 
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Visualization Techniques for Analysis Webcast

FREE BizTalk Server 2006 Training CD-ROM!

Protect Your MS-SQL Server: What Every IT Manager Should Know

Application Health Monitoring and Modeling


August 10, 2006

1. Perspectives
     - Answering the Siren Call of the Blue Badge

2. SQL Server Watch
     - Take the SQL Server Magazine Salary Survey!
     - You Could Be a SQL Server Innovator!
     - Product Watch: SoftTree Technologies and Oracle

3. Hot Articles
     - Q&A: When Upgrading, Check Compatibility Level
     - SELECT TOP(X): Database Mirroring
     - In a Nutshell: Keeping Up with BOL
     - Puzzled by T-SQL: Quaere Verum: Clustered Index Scans, Part II
     - Hot Threads: SQL Server General Discussion and Reporting

4. Events and Resources
     - SQL Server Magazine Connections Conference
     - Oracle and SQL Server: Cross-Platform Data Roadshow
     - A Database Utility for Lower TCO
     - 5 Tips for Choosing Antispyware

5. Featured White Paper
     - How Effective is Your Antivirus?

6. Reader Challenge
     - August Reader Challenge Solution: Generating 6-Digit All-Numeric
       File Numbers for Search
     - September Reader Challenge: Filtering Strings with Trailing

7. Announcements
     - SQL Server Performance Tips, Articles, and Forums
     - Save $40 On Windows IT Pro Magazine

8. Web Community 

==== SPONSOR: ProClarity ====

Visualization Techniques for Analysis Webcast 
   Companies are adopting SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services at a rapid 
rate, making it the fastest-growing OLAP engine in the world. While 
Analysis Services provides the world's best platform for creating, 
storing, and managing multidimensional models of an organization's 
business data, this is only half the battle. Highly visual, interactive 
client tools are needed to help business decision makers unlock the 
power of information and put their data to work to make better, faster 
business decisions. Attend the "Key Data Visualization Techniques for 
Business Analysis with SQL Server and ProClarity" Webcast to learn how 
to apply data visualization techniques with ProClarity and SQL Server 
2005 Analysis Services for the simple, effective presentation of 
multidimensional data. Register today!

1. ==== PERSPECTIVES ====

Answering the Siren Call of the Blue Badge
   by Brian Moran, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Some little children dream of growing up to become a policeman, doctor, 
nurse, President, or perhaps even race car driver. My son Joseph "wants 
to be a fireman-elephant: He would have his own hose for putting out 
fires. At the age of 3, my daughter Emily declared her intention to be 
a best friend when she's a grownup. So clearly, career aspirations are 
varied. But for many of you, the inner geek yearns for a blue badge. 
(Note to the uninitiated: "Blue Badge" refers to the color of the 
access badge that a Microsoft employee receives. Contractors and other 
people with access badges receive different colors. Cool and hip people 
know to say, "She's a blue badge at Microsoft." Read on if you dream of 
badges blue.
   Recently, a colleague at Microsoft asked me to refer SQL Server 
experts who might be a good fit for the growing SQL Server User 
Education (UE) team. Instead of passing along a few names, I suggested 
I let the world know about the opportunity. Now let's be clear: This 
isn't the position to seek if you're brand new to the field and know 
deep down inside that you don't really have the depth of knowledge to 
compete for a job at Microsoft. But if you're good--very good--you 
might be intrigued.
   Microsoft created the title "Programming Writer" to fit the 
company's growing interest in making SQL Server Books Online a world-
class resource for demos, scripts, and examples in addition to plain 
old-fashioned documentation. Regular readers of this column know that 
I'm a great fan of this trend, and I understand why Programming Writers 
are essential to the cause. Let's face it--many coders have not been 
granted the gift of prose (at least not until someone hosts English 
inside the CLR). And many good writers, well, can't code their way out 
of a paper bag. So what's Microsoft looking for in a Programming 
Writer? Here's Microsoft's introduction to the job description:

"Great documentation is about simplification--the flash of inspiration 
that lets you see that concepts you thought were hard can be taught in 
clear steps with concrete examples. Join a team dedicated to making 
data programming as simple as possible, yet robust enough for the 
largest applications in the industry. Your role on this team will be to 
educate developers by using concise prose and elegant code. You will 
spend much of your time on new technology, blazing the path that other 
developers will follow. You will help create the terminology, 
vocabulary, and coding practice for a new approach to data access."

Other snippets from the job description include the following 
-- Demonstrated skill at crafting both code and prose
-- Passion for teaching customers about technology, and enjoy the
   challenge of learning new technology
-- Experience working with relational databases, using 
   object/relational mapping and creating developer documentation
-- Experience with a variety of technologies and programming languages
   is also helpful. However, the most important experience you can 
   bring to this job is a track record of quickly learning new 
   technologies, clearly and accurately explaining those 
   technologies to others, and developing inspiring sample 
   applications for new technologies.

The following blog links might help you decide whether this career 
excites you. The first three links are to blogs from members of the 
team that you would be working with. The next four links are to the 
personal blogs from several leading members of the team.

Team blogs:


Individual team members' blogs:

Michael Rys:
Mike Champion:
Erik Meijer
Brian Bec

Interested candidates should contact Microsoft at 

**** SPONSOR: AppDev ****

FREE BizTalk Server 2006 Training CD-ROM!
   Start learning BizTalk Server 2006 today with cutting edge training 
from AppDev. Get a FREE BizTalk Server 2006 training CD (a $115 value!) 
taken directly from our new course. Click the link below for your FREE 
BizTalk Server 2006 training CD.


2. ==== SQL SERVER WATCH ====

Take the SQL Server Magazine Salary Survey!
   We need your help! SQL Server Magazine is launching its third SQL 
Server Magazine Industry Salary Survey, and we want to find out all 
about you and what makes you a satisfied database professional. When 
you complete the survey (about 10 minutes of your time), you'll be 
entered in a drawing for one of five $100 American Express gift 
certificates. Look for the survey results--and how you stack up against 
your peers--in our December issue. To take the survey, go to

You Could Be a SQL Server Innovator!
   If you've developed a resourceful solution that uses SQL Server 
technology to solve a business problem, you qualify to enter the 2006 
SQL Server Magazine Innovators Contest! Grand-prize winners will 
receive airfare and a conference pass to SQL Server Magazine 
Connections in Las Vegas, November 6-9, 2006, plus more great prizes 
and a feature article about the winning solutions in the January 2007 
issue of SQL Server Magazine. Contest runs through September 1, 2006, 
so enter today!


Normalize Audit Data From Different Database Platforms
   SoftTree Technologies announced updates to its flagship product, DB 
Audit Expert, which provides new enterprise-class support for 
centralized audit repositories. DB Audit Expert lets you streamline 
auditing and compliance operations by using a central repository for 
SQL Server, Oracle, IBM DB2, and Sybase databases. Unified alerting and 
reporting provides centralized monitoring and alerting of all data 
access, updates, data structure modifications, and changes to security 
permissions. Pricing for DB Audit Expert starts at $329 per database 
server instance. For more information, contact SoftTree Technologies at 

Oracle Enhances Integration with Visual Studio
   Oracle announced Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET, a 
free plug-in that lets you use Visual Studio 2005 to develop and deploy 
Microsoft .NET Framework-based applications with Oracle Database 10g. 
The tool lets you debug PL/SQL stored procedures and functions within 
Visual Studio 2005. Oracle also announced Oracle Data Provider for 
.NET, which supports ADO.NET 2.0. The combination of these two releases 
helps you become more productive building .NET applications and Web 
services with Oracle Database 10g.

==== SPONSOR: Double-Take Software ====

Learn what every IT Manager should know about protecting SQL Server, 
and identify the costs, risks, and advantages of each. Make sure that 
your disaster recovery and high availability solutions match your 
business needs.

3. ==== HOT ARTICLES ====
Q&A: When Upgrading, Check Compatibility Level
   by Brian Moran, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Q. When you upgrade a SQL Server 2000 instance in place, you might have 
noticed that the compatibility level of existing user databases doesn't 
change to a value of 90, the compatibility level of a native SQL Server 
2005 database. Here's how to check and correct the level in your 

Read the complete tip today at

SELECT TOP(X): Database Mirroring
   Now that Microsoft has added database mirroring to SQL Server 2005 
SP1, check out how this important high-availability feature works to 
automate switching between databases. Read this article today and post 
your comments at

IN A NUTSHELL: Keeping Up with BOL
   In this week's blog, Kevin Kline talks about why it's important to 
download the latest BOL updates.

PUZZLED BY T-SQL: Quaere Verum: Clustered Index Scans, Part II
   In this blog post, Itzik talks about his recent findings concerning 
clustered index scans (Part II).

SQL Server General Discussion: Access Query Doesn't Work in SQL Server 
Reporting Services: Web Interface Problem


SQL Server Magazine Connections Conference
   Now in its sixth year, SQL Server Magazine Connections returns 
November 6-9, at Mandalay Bay Resort in Las Vegas. Get down to business 
today with SQL Server 2005. Interact with and learn from an all-star 
lineup. Register for one event and attend sessions of the concurrently 
run events for FREE!

Cross-Platform Data Roadshow
   Oracle professionals will cover key concepts about Oracle and SQL 
Server in enterprise database computing. This event provides invaluable 
information about the benefits of 64-bit computing on the Windows 
platform, SQL Server BI for Oracle, high-availability proof points for 
SQL and Oracle, and much more.

Does your SQL Server deployment suffer from low utilization rates, 
suboptimal availability, and management challenges? Learn to overcome 
these difficulties by deploying a database utility that can help lower 
your cost of ownership by 70% and can react to changes within 30 
seconds. Live Web Seminar: Tuesday, August 22

Randy Franklin Smith outlines five evaluation points to consider when 
choosing your antispyware solution in this free podcast. Download it 

See the complete Windows IT Pro Network guide to Web and live events.


Antivirus or patching software alone isn't enough to protect your 
valuable systems from spyware. Learn how an enterprise antispyware 
solution gives you an affordable--and most important, effective, 
solution to spyware. Download the free whitepaper today!


August Reader Challenge Solution: Generating 6-Digit All-Numeric File 
Numbers for Search
   by Umachandar Jayachandran, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The August Reader Challenge, "Generating 6-Digit All-Numeric File 
Numbers for Search," had no winners. You can read a recap of the 
problem and the solution to the August Reader Challenge at

Now, test your SQL Server savvy in the September Reader Challenge, 
"Fixing a Faulty Lookup Query" (below). Submit your solution in an 
email message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] by August 17. Umachandar 
Jayachandran, a SQL Server Magazine technical editor, will evaluate the 
responses. We'll announce the winner in an upcoming SQL Server Magazine 
UPDATE. The first-place winner will receive $100, and the second-place 
winner will receive $50.

Here's the challenge:
Jeff is a database developer who needs to develop an application that 
keeps track of Unicode strings in a database table. The Unicode strings 
are 40 characters long and include trailing blanks, which are 
significant for comparison purposes when looking up specific values in 
the table. Jeff uses the pubs sample database and creates the test 
table and data by using the following T-SQL batches:

   USE pubs
   SELECT identity(int) AS id, CAST(au_lname AS nvarchar(40)) AS name1, 
   CAST(au_fname AS nvarchar(20)) AS name2
   INTO _a
   FROM dbo.authors
   CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX idx__a_name ON _a(name1)
   INSERT INTO _a VALUES(N'Test Name 1 ', N'Test Name 1')
   INSERT INTO _a VALUES(N'Test Name 1', N'Test Name 1')
   INSERT INTO _a SELECT a1.name1, a1.name2 FROM _a a1, _a a2

To test how he can look up specific items using the name1 column from 
the table, Jeff writes the following simple query:

   DECLARE @n nvarchar(40)
   SET @n = N'Test Name 1 '
   SELECT *, datalength(name1) FROM _a
   WHERE name1 = @n

But the query doesn't give the results he expected; Jeff gets the 
entries with and without trailing blanks. For the sample data shown, 
the query returns rows that have name1 as Test Name 1 without a 
trailing blank and Test Name 1 with a trailing blank. However, Jeff 
expects the equality operator to perform an exact match thereby 
returning only the row with name1 as Test Name 1.
   What is the flaw in the query? Why doesn't the equality operator 
consider the blanks significant? And how can Jeff modify the query so 
that he gets the expected results efficiently?

**** HOT SPOT: AVIcode ****

Ensure successful application deployment, monitoring, and management 
when you share architectural and operational requirements. Learn how to 
use application models, use MOM to monitor the health of business 
applications, and explore a practical example of health modeling and 
monitoring application deployment. Download the free whitepaper now!

7. ==== ANNOUNCEMENTS ====

SQL Server Performance Tips, Articles, and Forums
   Get hundreds of free tips and articles on SQL Server performance 
tuning and clustering. And get quick and accurate answers to your 
performance- and cluster-related questions in our forum. All from the 
SQL Server performance and clustering authority: SQL-Server-

Save $40 On Windows IT Pro Magazine
   Subscribe to Windows IT Pro magazine today and SAVE up to $40! Along 
with your 12 issues, you'll get FREE access to the entire Windows IT 
Pro online article archive, which houses more than 9,000 helpful IT 
articles. This is a limited-time offer, so order now:

8. ==== WEB COMMUNITY ====

Hot Threads


New Instant Poll


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About sponsoring SQL Server Magazine UPDATE--Richard Resnick, 

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the only magazine devoted to helping developers and DBAs master new and 
emerging SQL Server technologies and issues. Subscribe today.

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