Re-bonsoir à tous et à toutes,

bonsoir à Grégory,

Cette fois, c'est sur tes demandes de manips que je reviens.

LM--- <> à écrit le Thu, 10 Sep 2009 20:55:56

pour moi, gl620a ou d'une façon plus générale usb0 fiche le souc après
son activation.

dans /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist tu ajoute ton gl620a pour éviter le
chargement au boot suivant, cf mon post Wed, 9 Sep 2009 16:47:25 +0200

Fait !

dans on knetwork manager vérifie que le résau avec la carte e100 soit
bien le réseau filaire par défaut
Fait !

tu ouvre 2 consoles :
- la 1er : tail -f /var/log/syslog , tu appuis plusieurs fois sur entree
pour aérer les anciens logs qui ne nous interressent pas
- la 2ième :
ifconfig down gl620a
modprobe -r gl620a
/etc/init.d/[k]network* restart

un ifconfig pour être sur que usb0 n'existe pas.
d'ailleurs la question que je me pose : comment-il possible
que /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules n'indique rien pour la
mac address usb, usb0 soit quand même affecté à une interface réseau ?
- c'est avahi qui fait ça (donc par extension Network-Manager)
- c'est un truc dans /etc/network/[pre]if-up qui ficherais le souc
(comment il serait arrivé là ?)
Et voici les résultats des deux consoles...

Console 1 (avec les manips proprement dites) - DÉBUT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

v...@box:~$ su
Mot de passe :
box:/home/vic# ifconfig down gl620a
gl620a: Hôte inconnu
ifconfig: `--help' gives usage information.
box:/home/vic# ifconfig down usb0
usb0: Hôte inconnu
ifconfig: `--help' gives usage information.
box:/home/vic# modprobe -r gl620a
box:/home/vic# /etc/init.d/[k]network* restart
bash: /etc/init.d/[k]network*: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type
box:/home/vic# /etc/init.d/network* restart
Usage: /etc/init.d/networking {start|stop|restart|force-reload}
box:/home/vic# /etc/init.d/network restart
bash: /etc/init.d/network: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type
box:/home/vic# /etc/init.d/network-manager restart
Restarting network connection manager: NetworkManager.
box:/home/vic# ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:02:b3:eb:d8:02
         inet adr:  Bcast:  Masque:
         adr inet6: fe80::202:b3ff:feeb:d802/64 Scope:Lien
         RX packets:456 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
         TX packets:557 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
         collisions:0 lg file transmission:1000
         RX bytes:186046 (181.6 KiB)  TX bytes:76418 (74.6 KiB)

lo        Link encap:Boucle locale
         inet adr:  Masque:
         adr inet6: ::1/128 Scope:Hôte
         UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
         RX packets:199 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
         TX packets:199 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
         collisions:0 lg file transmission:0
         RX bytes:12688 (12.3 KiB)  TX bytes:12688 (12.3 KiB)


Console 1 - FIN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Console 2 (Listing issu des manips à la console 1)- DÉBUT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
v...@box:~$ su
Mot de passe :

Sep 14 21:04:45 localhost kernel: [ 2991.696217] usbcore: deregistering interface driver gl620a Sep 14 21:04:45 localhost kernel: [ 2991.744039] usb0: unregister 'gl620a' usb-0000:00:11.3-2, Genesys GeneLink Sep 14 21:04:45 localhost NetworkManager: <debug> [1252955085.874482] nm_hal_device_removed(): Device removed (hal udi is '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/net_82_55_a7_8c_5e_6b').
Sep 14 21:04:45 localhost NetworkManager: <info>  Deactivating device usb0.
Sep 14 21:07:25 localhost NetworkManager: <WARN> nm_signal_handler(): Caught signal 15, shutting down normally.
Sep 14 21:07:25 localhost NetworkManager: <info>  Caught terminiation signal
Sep 14 21:07:25 localhost NetworkManager: <debug> [1252955245.351814] nm_print_open_socks(): Open Sockets List: Sep 14 21:07:25 localhost NetworkManager: <debug> [1252955245.351860] nm_print_open_socks(): Open Sockets List Done.
Sep 14 21:07:25 localhost NetworkManager: <info>  Deactivating device eth0.
Sep 14 21:07:25 localhost dhclient: There is already a pid file /var/run/ with pid 3540 Sep 14 21:07:25 localhost dhclient: killed old client process, removed PID file Sep 14 21:07:25 localhost dhclient: DHCPRELEASE on eth0 to port 67 Sep 14 21:07:25 localhost avahi-daemon[2400]: Withdrawing address record for on eth0. Sep 14 21:07:25 localhost avahi-daemon[2400]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address Sep 14 21:07:25 localhost avahi-daemon[2400]: Interface eth0.IPv4 no longer relevant for mDNS. Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost avahi-daemon[2400]: Withdrawing address record for fe80::202:b3ff:feeb:d802 on eth0. Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost avahi-daemon[2400]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv6 with address fe80::202:b3ff:feeb:d802. Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost avahi-daemon[2400]: Interface eth0.IPv6 no longer relevant for mDNS.
Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info>  starting...
Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info> New VPN service 'vpnc' (org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.vpnc). Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info> New VPN service 'openvpn' (org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openvpn). Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost kernel: [ 3152.409935] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost kernel: [ 3152.412251] e100: eth0: e100_watchdog: link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost kernel: [ 3152.412409] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info> eth0: Device is fully-supported using driver 'e100'. Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info> nm_device_init(): waiting for device's worker thread to start Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info> nm_device_init(): device's worker thread started, continuing. Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Now managing wired Ethernet (802.3) device 'eth0'.
Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info>  Deactivating device eth0.
Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Will activate wired connection 'eth0' because it now has a link. Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Will activate wired connection 'eth0' because it now has a link. Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Updating allowed wireless network lists. Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info> SWITCH: no current connection, found better connection 'eth0'. Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Will activate connection 'eth0'. Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Device eth0 activation scheduled... Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <WARN> nm_dbus_get_networks_cb(): error received: org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo.NoNetworks - org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo.NoNetworks. Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth0) started... Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled... Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started... Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled... Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete. Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting... Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful. Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) scheduled. Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete. Sep 14 21:07:26 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) started... Sep 14 21:07:27 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth0) Beginning DHCP transaction. Sep 14 21:07:27 localhost NetworkManager: <info> DHCP daemon state is now 12 (successfully started) for interface eth0 Sep 14 21:07:27 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) complete. Sep 14 21:07:28 localhost NetworkManager: <info> DHCP daemon state is now 1 (starting) for interface eth0 Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 4
Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost dhclient: DHCPOFFER from
Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67
Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost dhclient: DHCPACK from
Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost avahi-daemon[2400]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost avahi-daemon[2400]: New relevant interface eth0.IPv4 for mDNS. Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost avahi-daemon[2400]: Registering new address record for on eth0.IPv4. Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost NetworkManager: <info> DHCP daemon state is now 2 (bound) for interface eth0 Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP Configure Get) scheduled... Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP Configure Get) started... Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost dhclient: bound to -- renewal in 38086 seconds. Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth0 for sub-path eth0.dbus.get.host_name Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth0 for sub-path eth0.dbus.get.domain_search Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth0 for sub-path eth0.dbus.get.nis_domain Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth0 for sub-path eth0.dbus.get.nis_servers Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Retrieved the following IP4 configuration from the DHCP daemon:
Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost NetworkManager: <info>    address
Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost NetworkManager: <info>    netmask
Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost NetworkManager: <info>    broadcast
Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost NetworkManager: <info>    gateway
Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost NetworkManager: <info>    nameserver
Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost NetworkManager: <info>    domain name 'darty'
Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth0 for sub-path eth0.dbus.get.interface_mtu Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) scheduled... Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP Configure Get) complete. Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) started... Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost avahi-daemon[2400]: Withdrawing address record for on eth0. Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost avahi-daemon[2400]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost avahi-daemon[2400]: Interface eth0.IPv4 no longer relevant for mDNS. Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost avahi-daemon[2400]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost avahi-daemon[2400]: New relevant interface eth0.IPv4 for mDNS. Sep 14 21:07:29 localhost avahi-daemon[2400]: Registering new address record for on eth0.IPv4. Sep 14 21:07:30 localhost NetworkManager: <info> DHCP returned name servers but system has disabled dynamic modification! Sep 14 21:07:30 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth0) Finish handler scheduled. Sep 14 21:07:30 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) complete. Sep 14 21:07:30 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth0) successful, device activated. Sep 14 21:07:32 localhost avahi-daemon[2400]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv6 with address fe80::202:b3ff:feeb:d802. Sep 14 21:07:32 localhost avahi-daemon[2400]: New relevant interface eth0.IPv6 for mDNS. Sep 14 21:07:32 localhost avahi-daemon[2400]: Registering new address record for fe80::202:b3ff:feeb:d802 on eth0.*. Sep 14 21:07:41 localhost kernel: [ 3166.960029] eth0: no IPv6 routers present

Console 2 - FIN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Je m'en vais de ce pas faire un reboot et vous tiens aussitôt après au courant...

Encore deux questions - vu que le débutant que je suis a tout de même fouillé en pas mal d'endroits...

1) Pourrait-on blacklister le module usbnet plutôt que gl620a ?
(disons... parce qu'il semble être au-dessus de [= de niveau supérieur] gl620a)

2) Pouvait-on aussi agir sur /etc/resolvconf/interface-order qui contient l'ordre des interfaces : en décommentant la dernière ligne « * » pour que « toute autre interface » ne soit pas considérée ?

Bon, alors à tout de suite après le reboot !



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