Le lundi 28 mai 2012 12:13:41 Jean-Michel OLTRA, vous avez écrit :

> Sous Debian, Squid est sur le 3128, et pas le 8080
C'est pour que j'ai testé squid comme proxy ( et là je n'ai pas 
de problème. dansguardian a bien comme port pour le proxy 3128
ci dessous la configuration réseau de dansguardian :

# Network Settings
# the IP that DansGuardian listens on.  If left blank DansGuardian will
# listen on all IPs.  That would include all NICs, loopback, modem, etc.
# Normally you would have your firewall protecting this, but if you want
# you can limit it to a certain IP. To bind to multiple interfaces,
# specify each IP on an individual filterip line.
filterip =

# the port that DansGuardian listens to.
filterport = 8080

# the ip of the proxy (default is the loopback - i.e. this server)
proxyip =

# the port DansGuardian connects to proxy on
proxyport = 3128

# Whether to retrieve the original destination IP in transparent proxy
# setups and check it against the domain pulled from the HTTP headers.
# Be aware that when visiting sites which use a certain type of round-robin
# DNS for load balancing, DG may mark requests as invalid unless DG gets
# exactly the same answers to its DNS requests as clients.  The chances of
# this happening can be increased if all clients and servers on the same LAN
# make use of a local, caching DNS server instead of using upstream DNS
# directly.
# See http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/435052
# on (default) | off
#!! Not compiled !! originalip = on

# accessdeniedaddress is the address of your web server to which the cgi
# dansguardian reporting script was copied. Only used in reporting levels 1 
and 2.
# This webserver must be either:
#  1. Non-proxied. Either a machine on the local network, or listed as an 
#     in your browser's proxy configuration.
#  2. Added to the exceptionsitelist. Option 1 is preferable; this option is
#     only for users using both transparent proxying and a non-local server
#     to host this script.
# Individual filter groups can override this setting in their own 
accessdeniedaddress = 'http://YOURSERVER.YOURDOMAIN/cgi-bin/dansguardian.pl'

# Non standard delimiter (only used with accessdeniedaddress)
# To help preserve the full banned URL, including parameters, the variables
# passed into the access denied CGI are separated using non-standard
# delimiters. This can be useful to ensure correct operation of the filter
# bypass modes. Parameters are split using "::" in place of "&", and "==" in
# place of "=".
# Default is enabled, but to go back to the standard mode, disable it.
nonstandarddelimiter = on

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